
As an industry event, is it something solely for the gaming press and devs, or do they still allow retail sales people in as well? I was always curious if they were still allowed in after it was made to be more exclusive, but I lost touch with all my old retail friends to ask anyone directly.

Hot take.

I was going to comment and say this, VIII to IX is a much bigger “please don’t go! come back bby, look, MP!” game than XIII was.

I used to think that XIII was a new take on the franchise, too, but returning to X-2 now that it’s been released on Steam, you can see all of the groundwork that was laid for XIII in that game.

Essential for any late night jazz playlist.

One can dream. Slimkid3's suff w/ DJ Nu-Mark is nice compensation, though. I don’t know what Fatlip is up to anymore, sadly.

It’s not the tag that annoys me as much as the implication behind it, “walking simulator” is just so dismissive of the rest of the content of the games (usually).

It’s a nice break from a game that tends to take itself a bit too seriously. Even with all of the familiar enemies and names, it didn’t FEEL like Final Fantasy until the Hildibrand questline. For me, at least.

Don’t forget “Walking Simulator” for anything without the blam-blams the kiddies love so much.

Burnout 2 was the last of the great crash mode, but 3 and Revenge tightened up the actual racing part pretty well.

Well EA picked them up after 2, so I’m gonna take a swing at publisher on that one. It’s like each game they stripped more of what made Burnout so great and added more of what made NFS so awful.

You leave my bby Hildibrand out of this.

Hoops is fun. Snow Day got stale pretty fast (for me at least) and became nothing more than a nice side-game to develop your wall skills and help curb some bad forward and side flip habits. Hoops, while it does have its quirks that help train skills that may be under-developed, so far has just been flat-out fun to

I’ve always felt that mutator/snow day were designed in the same light as well. Snow day got everyone’s wall game up, moonball helped with aerials, beach ball with ball control and patience, etc.

Honestly, the ramp up to the rim is pretty great. It’s simultaneously capable of aiding for easy set ups AND a good shape for a defensive pinch to launch it across the court.

Now playing

Three of my favorites are on the shit tier, and it hurts me.

FINALLY! Only took them 3 extra months to figure everything out.

!!! I forgot they added those “creepy bastards.” They really did a great job with ‘em.

. . .I fell off right before Heavensward dropped, and because of this I am now regretting it immensely.

Came out at the tail end of February, so I guess it technically doesn’t count?