
“This is a game about a Japanese school girl shooting up.”

First early access game I ever took the plunge on, glad to see they made it. The game is great to boot.

A pretty reasonable stance to take regarding all unreleased games, tbh.

Every new little bit of info that drips out gets me 1000x more excited for this game. Which is the exact opposite effect the hype machine for XIII had for me.

This. I used to always wonder in years past why people would condemn any new Final Fantasy Squenix put out as if remaking FFVII IS THE ONLY THING WORTH DOING.

Oof, and you guys JUST turned me onto this guy’s stuff last week with that MGS5 video. It’s not even the message itself thats the big turn-off for me (though its a gross message for sure) but the ridiculous sense of entitlement he has. Considering only one of my LOL-playing friends has ever heard of Dunkey before last

Was actually waiting for how you felt about the career mode changes after your excellent write-up of last year’s 2k. Do you see yourself continuing on as a Wizard? Or perhaps you will decide to study your art a little more on the Magic? These are important questions.

Still better than Yuna, though.

I fail to see what the horrible part of that is.

I can second the body odor claim. My brother runs a mom+pop video game rental place that I helped him at from 12-16 yrs old, and he used to have me follow exceptionally smelly customers with Febreeze WHILE THEY WERE SHOPPING. It was super messed up and I hated every second of doing it.

That sounds pretty great. I have no qualms with the store in question now, it’s run by a pretty nice guy (who happens to look like ben Stiller in Happy Gilmore, perk) and is a great place to get some more casual tabletop games. It was just that encounter that resonated with me.

Meh, I’d have to side with another commenter that perhaps my youth misinterpreted the situation. If he meant it that way, though, I agree. What an asshole.

True, I just remember it being the first time I felt embarrassed for loving the things I loved. Pretty much set the tone for the next ten years of my life.

OMG Antoine! Or as I pronounced it “an-toe-nee.” Get out of my head, you.

Right? And it totally worked too. Chili dogs were my favorite food as a kid, and I had a pair of red Converses that I convinced myself made me run faster. You done good, marketing machine. You done good.

I had a pretty awful experience at one, not with an employee directly, but with a patron that felt the need to mock me for looking for Sonic, Ren & Stimpy, and Felix the Cat comics (I was 7, he had a beard).

Good read, it’s nice to see to see customer service reps that go above and beyond highlighted. Its so much easier/more fun for people to point out the bad experiences, you tend to forget there are decent human beings doing their best for the wages they are getting.

Not really, no different than the normal slightly annoying customer service associates. I worked in customer service for the last 11 years, though, so I’d like to think I’m more tolerant of pre-order peddling than the average customer.

I want to click, but I shudder at the thought of how many “8/8 was gr8 m8”s are on there.

I’d say neither. Just like Kickstarter, Early Access is going to have it’s fair share of winners/losers. Our only hope, as consumers, is that as we go deeper into the age of Early Access, devs begin to take note of these cautionary tales to avoid biting off more than they can chew and screwing us out of our money.