George Romero’s masterpiece of horror is a no-brainer for this list—and not just because the shambling zombies contained within would eat them all
George Romero’s masterpiece of horror is a no-brainer for this list—and not just because the shambling zombies contained within would eat them all
That’s not humor I hear that’s...well, sounds like backpedaling to me.
Did you have specific criteria for this list? Just curious. Like, I love Pulp Fiction, but wasn’t Miramax a Disney company by the time of its release? Is it “indie” by feel? Production? Distribution? I know it’s not an easy term to define in US cinema, but how did you all proceed?
I want so badly for it to go something like that, but 1) Biden is Biden, and 2) This scenario depends heavily on logic and reason, neither of which COVID-45 has.
I really think Welles belongs on this list somewhere, as so many of his efforts have the hallmarks of an independent, like Othello, the Trial, Chimes at Midnight, F For Fake. While true they may have foreign funding, or have been produced in foreign countries, their maker is a U.S. native, their language English and…
He saw the morgue truck and probably started wondering how many buckets of chicken It could hold.
“Nobody could ever have imagined they would need morgue trucks in New York City.”
Problem is: people need to knock them down and stay focused. I’m not trusting Biden not to get distracted, nor the general American populace or big media outlets.
This is all so silly and so predictable. The sector of progressive movement as encapsulated by The Young Turks is so performative and useless.
What I got from this is that AOC is actually trying to figure out how best to push her agenda, even if that means playing ball with the centrists every so often. HOW DARE SHE!!!! Despite her outsized and frankly deserved influence in the political and particularly progressive scene, she seems to understand that she’s…
Leftists eating this up aren't even waiting until she's 35, let alone RUNNING for president, to start the "just not THIS woman" routine
Bernie Sanders is like “Rick and Morty” -- the show’s quite good, but its fans are *very* tiresome.
Biden: “America already WAS great before you came along and ruined it, asshole.”
“Wah back in mah day we’s could up and say the N word and nobody batted an eyelid!”
I haven’t watched it, either. I get enough white trash just watching the news these days, knowhatimean?
Yes, the President* - who wasn’t in the building for any of the impeachment proceedings - couldn’t respond to a building health crisis because he had to be ...not in the building during impeachment proceedings. What the absolute shit.
Yeah, if my boss is working on my annual review, I certainly have to stop doing my…
“This is literally the least surprising thing about this whole story,”
Why does Cardi B do anything?
So An arrogant redneck with a persecution complex and who when one of his employees gets their arm ripped off, had time to throw on a paramedic jacket while they almost bleed to death, and wonder out loud if this is gonna “kill him financially”, is an asshole ? You don’t say !