
I’m all for that!

He had two choices.

Pray that God changes their hearts.”

“Should have handled it differently. Not my job to have done anything.”

“I wonder how @Disney feels about this.”

She was pretty good in My Little Chickadee paired with WC Fields. IMO.

First... small typo but, Ringo STARR. Second, I was trying to figure out why he was In that lineup and discovered he was In Sextette with her, a very weird, but forgettable movie (her last?). It had a couple of good lines too (according to IMDB)

I change the number at the end of the URL to avoid all that and go straight to the comments. Of course, that doesn’t help If you want to actually see the Info In one whole page, but...

You probably know It already, but If you just change the number at the end of the URL you can just go to the final page right away.

This Is a fucked-up week for Coopers.

Unrelated to the subject, It’s great to see that guy In the greys having a nervous breakdown trying to whatabout the hell out of this story, cut and pasting like Its his fucking JOB. Won’t say the name, but you can easily tell who It Is. Go on, little cut-and-paste dude, you do your thang. LOL

This. Threatening him with his race was her first fucking go-to. That shit’s In her DNA. Let her try to get It out on her own.

I get you, but I guarantee she’s had many opportunities to be around and learn from black people (she doesn’t appear to be a spring chicken). Forcing her to be around “real life black people” will only give her another excuse for when she’s called racist. “Hey, I spent six months helping poor little black children

He’s gonna do something about It just as soon as he officially starts all those lawsuits he’s threatened and when he guys In Hawaii get back with that “very Interesting” stuff they found out about Obama.

Yeah, he’s the “not all cops” that a lot of people always likes to bring up when you talk about the bad cops. He doesn’t DO the actual murder so he’s one of the good one! /s

Two seconds of Googling...

Not that I’m accusing anyone of anything but Rod Thorn was GM of the Bulls and worked out several deals to allow them to draft MJ to the team so...

That’s horrifying on a number of not-so-Interesting levels.