
She knew exactly why she was going to say that and she TOLD him she would do that, thinking that would scare him off. She weaponized his race against him. That’s some of the lowest shit I’ve ever heard. I wouldn’t be surprised If she was smiling behind that mask when she said It.

I don’t know why, but that fucking hand-In-the-pocket shit seems to piss me off the most. Like, “this man Isn’t even worth my full attention, just... kneel on his fucking head. Goddamn It.

Porn parody? Or just more explicit remake?

Seriously, It was college/university. Not to say that people cant meet their “soulmate” in college, but for many other people, college Is a time of flings. I mean I made that pact with someone In college and three or four years late they text me “Run”, I’d text back “Who Is this?” and then “Wait, you’re not still on

This Is also the answer to why so many politicians who previously preached THE CONSTITUTION!! etc. can now twist themselves Into knot defending the things they said were so wrong: Trump does and says all the racist bullshit they always wanted to do and say and gives them cover. Oh, sure, when he’s long gone, they’re

on which he also revealed that Narada Michael Walden will be the new drummer

Maybe they didn’t have the budget.

They could’ve at least had a flashback episode to show us how they met and fell in love and set their agreement up, but not even that.

As someone with some fairly extensive Photoshop/Illustrator experience... yeah, that just a stock photo with the words superimposed. And using what looks to be the Rhombic typeface. #fontnerd.

they’re that flimsy because the ideals therein were buoyed by pure, unearned belief. BELIEF is what drives this fucking country.

Trump Is only doing what the GOP always wanted to do but didn’t have the complete balls to do until they found a loudmouth Idiot to hide behind while he said and did the things they always wanted to say.

I’m starting to think Biden won his standoff with CornPop because CornPop was laughing too hard.

I still don’t see how they get in the video without him.

“I made the mistake of allowing others access to these accounts unknowingly—and I am angered, horrified and extremely offended that these ugly ideas were shared or posted by those individuals several years ago.”

Seriously, when you are afraid to correct someone about something that was presented to them, you’re pretty much a spineless piece of shit.

And, for god’s sake wear a mask...

“I don’t want to take the whole interview to run through them.”

From the Ivank Instagram post:

The guy In the fatigues In the back watching him Is the best.

This. Porn isn’t like bread flour at the supermarket, is it? Has the porn supply chain been threatened?