Evelle Snoats

She has the chance to finally work with people that can be trusted and are willing to work toward a collective good and she starts acting like a puppet master and is practically lying through omission at this point.

Excellent point

Sansa is totally like her mother: a controlling, short sighted, manipulative B.

I'm so glad Telly from Kids is a character in GoT.

I am sure I freaked out my neighbors laughing at that line.

"Using _that_ dick."

It was obvious to me and that made it all the worse.

I'm so glad Julia Roberts continues to be a recurrent motif.

It's "Greenpoint", not "Green Point".

I don't think we are going to the bottom of The Yellow King narrative. I think we'll see some interesting developments, but that's about it. It's sort of like the various mysteries in 2666 — you never really get any resolution on who is committing murders (amongst many other mysteries) and that's OK because that's not

Quick correction, it was Adam that asked if they were going fuck the fish.

The Lubbock psych ward joke was incredible.

Shit, in parts of *Texas* that much Lone Star would seem weird.

I was wondering the same thing about the jumping fish as the camera pans over the church, then the water then cuts to the credits. It's one thing to randomly catch some jumping fish in the shot, but if you listen under the music you can clearly hear the splashes.

Also it's no coincidence that the only time we've seen him truely violent (I don't count the slap in the station) in the show is after that scene + plus the interim scene in the car where Hart needles him with "maybe you could just follow your nose". He's holding it all in and you can see him coming undone when he's

I actually took that hesitation to mean that she realized that the cigarette burnt out because she hadn't taken a puff of it. Sometimes people will re-light, but I think the idea was to signal that she was transfixed.