
If your friend is between 17-22, you can suggest a psych consultation as it is the peak time for developing Schizophrenia (paranoid or otherwise). Else she could be in an abusive relationship with one or many people (where acceptance in a group requires espousing hateful attitude, you know a bit like what you have to

Yeah, I vote for unmedicated Schizophrenia here too. Hope she has a good enough entourage to 'suggest' a 72-hour hold.

Courtney's story is only beginning. YES, it would be great if she wrote about her experience so far but I have been asking for this for a long time :)

I have been covering grey for ages and, with my long hair, I wish there was a button that I could push to suddenly have natural hair (70% silver) because it would be much more appropriate than my brown hair. Yes, I would look like Holly Hunter in Top of The Lake...
In the face of a youth obsessed society of assholes,

Xaviera Hollander worked in NYC when it was pretty much illegal for single women to be independant (70s) and if she was arrested by police and could not proove that she was employed or 'taken care of' by a man she could go to jail for prostitution. I just couldn<t believe it when I read her book "The Happy Hooker"...

Married men put a lot of effort into cheating so much so that when I was single, my main focus was on trying to find out if a potential mate was married (or otherwise attached).

In 2005 I decided that I wanted a boyfriend who would live only to please me, would accept me the way I am and would encourage me in everything that I do. And since the universe promptly provides what I ask for, I soon learned that there is a cost to that! I've realized that the massive quality of life increase

One of the greatest privileges of North American boyhood life today is the choice to remain an adolescent even after you turn 18 which is a choice that a surprising amount of teenagers make. Boys are embraced in adolescence for as long as possible by marketers. You have teenagers running around who are in their late

Boys are educated to be nice to obtain 'something' while girls are educated to be nice to avoid 'something'. Add to this how boys are raised to take up as much space while girls are raised to be as invisible as possible unless they are enjoyed for decorative purposes (but even then... ask a model...) This creates

Do you remember the TV show The Swan where women competed in a beauty competition after going through an extreme makeover? All of them were just fine before they submitted themselves to the improvements the doctors suggested but the process was interesting to watch. However the super fancy expensive haircuts they got

Yes. It makes sense. I really cannot wait to see 'The mask you live in' by MissRepresentation.

When I first got on the ancester of the Internet (at 20 in 1991) I had to deal with guys asking for my picture all the time and rather than send them one I build a 'face book' with everybody's picture including my own. I sent 20 guys everywhere around the world, by snail mail, a book of photos containing this one of

*Aspirational sociopathy which is worse.

Glad to see people are also bringing attention to this on the Franchiser Facebook page.

I often help friends (guys because they ask) reach their goals and one of the things I have to police is 'are you reaching YOUR goals or your interpretation of OTHER people's goals' Often these external goals are set up by influencers or marketing. Like the BMW before 40 or going into business to become a millionaire

I was only referring to the pilot episodes of new shows. I can avoid watching SVU because I know that this is the topic but I was flabbergasted that every new drama show starts with the victimization or murder of a woman (except Bad Maids which may be a dramedy) I had to mention it to my spouse for him to specifically

I am not watching that even though as a nanny, pet owner, girlfriend and mom I have probably seen worse. This is completely normal. I one on my chest and by being super careful it has remained impossible to see in over 20 years. Once pores are enlarged like that, good luck trying to control it :(

The 10% jagoff rule... Call them on their bullshit and walk away. The important people are standing around and might inadvertently pick up a clue.

Please do not feel bad about not being able to wear heels. Your experience is in the majority. Heels are modern time's answer to barbarian foot binding. The requisite for heels in the workplace is highly sexist because heels cause permanent injury to the spine and calves. Wearing heels may be a staple of the

It is important to give girls and women like Malala a forum to speak to the world community on the firsthand issues faced in their country of origin. It's great that she has been able to travel the world and speak. It made my daughter's day to see her on TDS and she requested Malala's book for her birthday.