
I have been watching every pilot (aired and un-aired) for 5-6 years and more and more, the rape and murder of young women plays an important role in the plot. This year, it seems like every single new show starts with the rape, kidnapping or murder of a woman. I think it is important that the topic be adressed in

Whenever I come across a guy who 'has to fuck women' even though he doesn't 'like' them in general, I just tell him to talk about it with his therapist, certainly not ME. These guys are why Real Dolls were invented. Our silicone fleshed sisters are the least threatening ladies in the dating market and perfect for

When men make comments like this my first thought is... "OMG, he is clueless about women!!" and then start worrying if I'm going to have to cancel travelling to meet his family at Thanksgiving because the whole 'sex addiction' thing is a much more pressing issues... again :) Guys are too polluted by media to have any

Yeah, it is worrysome that these parents are teaching by example 'you have to be a dick because everybody is a dick' and also preventing their kids from learning how to learn because experimentation and failure is important in that process. I have a child who tends to be devastated by failure but better learn to deal

Or rather, guys are easy to animate because... we allow them less emotions pffft!

Wear that to work... at home! Because I like to bewilder my 12 year old.

She doesn't look like she is 30, she has a genuine mature presence and voice and can sing very well without gimmicks or artifice... THAT we need :)

Yeah, has friends whom he suspects are gay but none that dare be gay around him... Kinda tells you a lot about the sheltered disconnected surrounding he has constructed for himself. Scary...

I'm blaming my rabbit for ejaculating all over my furniture, being all wound up and jealous all the time an having the ability to emit an awful smell when threatened. Men are not that much more practical as pets so no hard feeling for the bunny I gave away 25 years ago.

So we can agree that at this point Madonna maybe doesn't remember the exact size of the knife she was kidnapped with to be taken to a secondary location where she was raped with a penis she doesn't recall the exact size of. Fair enough.

I am considering my 6th startup, none of them about weddings, fashion or cooking. At first there was no such thing as a startup or VC funding for my projects then I realized that the new startup culture was about boyhood dreams and goals I did not have (aside from being disruptive and changing the world which is cool)

Oh I wasn't excusing it at all, I come from a world of age-inappropriate sexual influence and after comparing notes I have come to think that it's part of a mix of situations that contribute to unhappy adulthood in the way that Chris Brown displays his unhappy adulthood. Being unraised, left to your own device and

That is a great idea. But another interesting way of getting cash only gifts and not coming off as a complete asshole is to get all of your friends to buy Kiva.org gift certificates. Say they loan out $2,500 in your honor, you can cycle that through 250 entrepreneur loans per year for as long as you like until you

So you are saying that the brain creates coping mechanisms for awesomeness by filling false memories with awfulness? The brain does need to cope with trauma and trauma is trauma. The fact that some commentators insinuate that the entire story is false based on 'it's a long time ago, must be miss-remembered or false'

In this story, I see unsupervised and undirected kids doing ill advised things to each other. Certainly the entire experience of being unsupervised, uneducated, undirected can contribute to an unhealthy adulthood not just the sexual molestation. Because sex is not sex in the mind of kids, it is not comprehended as

It is exactly BECAUSE she is in her fifties that she can talk about it in more details. When I see actresses and signers, I think of all the crap they have to put up with in their respective businesses controlled by misogynistic assholes, molesters, rapists and verbal rapists. And that's AFTER moving to a strange

So, BEFORE actresses, signers, dancers and all other manners of professional women performers, famous or not, use their voice to courageously explain to us what price they paid for entering the business whether assault, rape and being the victim various forms of misogyny, you will simply invalidate all with:

I miss New York and next time I am taking my daughter. We will stay in Brooklyn and I've NEVER been there, it will be a completely new experience.

JGL looks very unattractive in that movie. I mean he still looks the same as when he is yummy but the character is... sooooo unattractive. JGL is a good actor.