
Taking for granted that you do not have to learn to take care of yourself is called childhood. Expecting that the nearest standing woman will do everything for you is called Adolescence. One cannot be an adult without a thorough unserstanding of the work that is entailed to lead a qualitative healthy life and DOING

Tyra Banks is insufferable but not evil. This project would have been rather narrow if she only portrayed 'that one inconic well-know token Black model' that graces the runway ever 5-7 years. The fashion industry sociopath talk about wanting new, new, new girls all the time but only hire effaced non-threatening,

Well you might just be my forced dating companion! Send me a message at evavavoom@gmail.com. While I am totally serious about this, I understand it could be hard to organize in the details but I wouldn't want to miss this connection!

I should totally do this with a random guy for a month. Really, as long as he passes the basic psych test and has no violent history, I'm a go. Then I would know definitively if my ability to get on swimmingly with all my lovers is pure luck or skill/work.

Well we have to talk about it, it's important that, even though WE were kept in the dark, that the following generations know this happened.

So Natasha Leggero is an unknown?! I love her and was taking for granted that she had been in a ton of things. She was great in Drunk History and that fake Bachelor-style parody as the bottomless chick.

Making jokes that are basically 'oh look he's old!', 'whadayaknow she's a girl!' or 'Apparently you're Indian' is kinda lame and lazy. Unless of course the joke involves a second (or third) level of philosophical insight about maturity, gender or culture but most comedians never get off the ground floor. At one point

It's specific to the re-appropriation of children born in the province of Quebec before 1976 when children were officially differentiated from property. Just one of the horrendous things the Catholic Church has done that is under investigation.

You are conflating two things: gender and sexual orientation.

The correct weight is in the AKC documentation for breed conformity. What Ivan is doing doesn't seem injurious by itself but the added weight will cause constant stress on his torso when he is on all fours which is why fat animal like to lay flat on their back. Each breed has a set of common ailments which are mostly

Porn isn't really a safe bet for anyone. Neither is being on a reality TV show or any other kind of sexually exploitative industry. Dumb people are dumb but the industry that exploits these people by putting them on TV, gossiping about them and then ridiculing them is more to blame. I have a feminist teenager as well

It's easy to laugh at these questions and it reminds me that even though I have read about the history of slaves in the U.S. I didn't even know about the prevalence of slavery in Canada (my own country) until a few decades ago. It is not even part of the curriculum. You see I am more obsessed with understanding what

When I am getting married I am hiring Father Guido Sarducci to marry us at the Venetian. I am thinking that my spouse's best friend will be his best man on short notice (his stepmother has a neverending gig across the street). My daughter can be my maid of honor and we'll announce the wedding to randos in the lobby

Parent of 12 year old raised on the CTFD method... She gets super anxious about school-related things (which is funny because school is so stupid and I never learned anything in school other than people suck... Oops not supposed to say that out loud) But CTFD is something you have to adopt as your own mantra, it's a

Glad to see this trending. I discovered this while raising other people's kids as a nanny 20 years ago. Like 8 kids, mostly boys in 5 years. It is quite easy to CTFD when these are not your own kids. Parent's own drama is very educational to kids, but not in a good way... As soon as I realized that I often had more

I agree. I do sex ed so I am very interested in how the media has raised her generation because it affects their sense of self, how they relate to gender norms, gives me clues on how they have been misinformed about sexuality, etc. If you are going to say that being a feminist = being a lesbian than it means that

I am not a makeup wearer but will apply minimal makeup to show that I recognize that an event is more formal and give a bit of a damn (I don't but that's another thing.) On the minimal occasions that I do score a promising initial contact or get a random compliment when wearing no makeup, it makes me feel like I have

I think that people should be held accountable for what they say however there is a lot of picking and choosing in the media. Making fun of an asinine thing said by a 22 year old because her name is recognizable and it will generate click-through is not the same as deconstructing the writings of a public intellectual

The problem with elevating teenagers to stardom is that it doesn't make them less ignorant (which is a normal state for a 22 year old just starting out in the world, thinking you know your shit until you realize that you don't know shit and feel somewhat embarrassed.) All child celebrities will look like Honey BooBoo

I cannot stomach another wave of interest into this shiiiiite franchise.