
Do not cover freckles, they are magical :) Also, never get that gap tooth fixed... it's double magical.

The United States is the place that started it all, it is where you can essentially make a living at being purely decorative. It's creeping into other cultures unfortunately. I always thought being decorative was something one did on the side or as an accidental job until you could land an actual job. Because being

Other than the religious context (which doesn't provide any help to the couple...) I have found that the great majority of my friends who transition to physical womanhood continue their relationship with their spouse because the love and attraction is more than based on the physical. Myself I am attracted to women who

A cordial glass? That wouldn't happen today. But other than that it's the VS I remember when it had clothing and lingerie for the ladies... I think that VS understands it's selling to guys firstly and to women secondly. Most designers have many collections (I'm talking Chanel and Dior here...) and it is sooooooo

I thought it was a scam at first but it appears on the Gucci site. Designer baby clothing is obnoxious, unless:

Same situation but fake LV bag and I let my daughter have it for a while while I taught her about counterfeit and why it is wrong to seek out and purchase counterfeit goods. Teachable moment that ended in shelter gifting (of her own decision)

These items are not meant to dress a baby in what would be a glorified onesie worth $1200, it says that the buyer is rich enough to afford spending $1200 on a glorified onesie. Designer logo'd crap is not luxury. There is few luxury in this world, only a few designer brands still carry authentically luxurious items

No absolutely not. The private jet was not personal but a company perk. However, I am averse to hanging in with what you seem to be calling 'the right crowd' because the superficiality investment is greater than I want to make and it grates on my patience to hang out with people who think they are 'sophisticated'

It would be nice if we had the freedom to live in a secular society. Unfortunately, with the 'democratization of popedom', and the increase in greed and self-centered usage of religion, the statistical probability of that seem more and more slim everyday.

Catholics need to address the part of their group that is currently not representing them very well rather than the reporters who try to describe the unfortunate push for unseparation of Church and state and the confusion that freedom of religion should include not having to abide by the law. Now I am not sure if I am

I have never accepted to travel with someone on a private jet because you can't dump an asshole at 10,000 feet if he is being a jerk. I have always been weary of rich men, especially those who go out of their way to monopolize the attention of 20 year olds for a few days at a time with lies and/or money. But when I

Actually, what I found interesting is that if you pay attention, the sex scenes are often a convoluted way for one of the character to discussing back story information that may be useful down the road. It's not always done in a tasteful way such as the scene in the bathtub with Daenerys Targaryen's creepy brother and

Lena Dunham's super literal autobiographical work is such a slow moving train wreck that I love it. Maybe it is not culturally or racially diverse because... it is representative of the limited exposure and life experience of these specific young adults. Remember, they are 20-ish, so they know everything except who

So you post a picture of an agent looking at Sarah Palin's back at waist level. Wouldn't that be where he has to look to keep tabs on the people who are in the first row below the stage? I am not sure personally identifying the SS agents involved and perving their accounts is very classy. Unless the caption below the

If you are using a dating service and not being somewhat organized about the process you will wind up in more trouble than this guy. I have been on dating sites getting contacted by the same people over and over again as if it was the first time and that comes off as more creepy. We are talking here about a service

See!! They all come out of teh Zac Efronator!!!

I really have to ask you all this question now. Zac Efron is obviously beautiful, I hope he turns into a multidimensional actor like Mark Whalberg. But what I notice is that all OTHER actors are put into a Hollywood manscaping machine I call 'The Zac Efronator'. The most obvious one was Ryan Reynold (it's easy to find

There are actual thing on the internet that require these women's attention. Complaining about a picture which shows two sweet-looking women behaving in a loving way (I personally don't read it as sexual or gay but that's just me) While they are clutching their pearls their sons are masturbating in their bedroom to

I have a hard time figuring out what I would do with a bunch of money. I seem to be doing very well at accessing the best parts of life without having much money. Being a lifehacker ninja is very satisfying and living simply feels awesome. If I had money, I think it would completely undermine my life. I would, however

It's a bit of both. I was very surprised when I worked for doctors who had no idea how to accomplish most tasks required to maintain themselves alive... This is probably not uncommon amongst professionals who spent a lot of time studying over homemaking while in university. What annoyed me most is that they filled the