
My condolences oslo11. I think that given the circumstances his wife is very forthcoming and transparent about the whole process and this is turning out to be really informative. This happens to a lot of celebrities and sometimes it's the scrutiny (mean internet comments) and sometimes it's the schedule of never

Educating people about reality is risky (the backlash!!!) but I think the rewards are great as well. I totally encourage what you are saying :) Something I found truly courageous and well-done what when Junglist did a 5-inch-floppy about Unethical Game Practices and mentioned how getting over his addiction to games

Personally, I have zero influence on the world EXCEPT when it comes to the 4-5 people I am directly responsible for and associated with and the 7-10 people each year who specifically seek out my advise through sex-ed and coaching services. My sex blog, which is becoming more of a feminist expression monthly than a

Mollena Rules :)

My work is not porn-adjacent but I distinctively remember the law change in the early 90's which was specifically created to make it impossible to hire (knowingly or unknowingly) underage performers. Part of that law also stipulated that performers should not represent someone who looks or acts like an underage person

I totally agree with you and that porn hurts young women (indirectly) as well as young men (very directly). There was a time when porn showed people having sex. At some point in 1990, somebody decided that all future porn should be packaged in mysoginy (that person's name is Max Hardcore, the man who flushed porn down

That's a bit hard to tell because satellite providers, hotel corporations and their in-room entertainment provide avoid putting the porn share % in all their official shareholder communications. It is almost impossible to get that number although everybody who has tried (using forensic accounting and investigative

A man is not threatened by a women because of exterior factors like how much she earns, her cosmetic beauty and her social power, he is afraid of the impression or comments of other men. In reality he will find that non-assholes will recognize him as someone who must have many desirable qualities, character and beauty

I am a media observer and Social Media technologist. I am so happy to see media experts (Brokker being one of the foremost even though his delivery is always scathing) confirm the KONY campaign's incredible success in saturating the Web (A success at its own goal: Making KONY famous) Now I understand better how this

Rush Limbaugh is at the bottom of the barrel, however in his fantasy world where all men are better than women, he takes for granted that he is on top (of 51% of the population). We live in a co-ed world and women outnumber men in certain programs and industries and Rush Limbaugh has to put up with them yapping about

As a consummate watcher of historic melodramas, I found Downton Abbey to be such a breath of fresh air. First of all it is a show about its female character first and foremost. Secondly, it doesn't rely on gore and violence at all (unlike Game of Thrones, Borgias, Startacus and some other dramas). Thirdly, the women

I think it's just because this article is written by the wrong person. There must be few people who volunteer to address the topic of anal sex. Most sex-related articles in women's blogs are written by the wrong people. Heck I even worked for a world-famous fashion magazine whose article about polyamory was entirely

Thanks for making me look up the definition of Pegging on the Internet. I only know about this from intimate conversations with my male friends or sexual partners and none of them call it or "brand" it that way, they just call it what it is. Your comment is an interesting demonstration of how different sex is when you

Pornography features mostly anal sex (it seems) which is not the most risky behavior depicted by far. It is, more worryingly, packaged in an unbelievably misogynistic way, I suspect to deculpabilize men who enjoy it or require it. When we women have sex, or play sex parties we do not ever pretend to be bad sluts for

I want a wife too!!!

The idea for the contest is completely revolting and introduces the concept of foreign matchmaking services to, perhaps, the wrong crowd. I don't see anything wrong with the sponsoring website. The services that are serious have profiles of women over 30. I have two friends and family members who have married using

I'd drink this stuff if I could! Not that I wear much polish but it totally makes a manicure last until your nail color goes out of style :)

However painful it is to listen to this it is full of important information about how our culture is getting worse where general sexual and human competence is concerned. Sex education shouldn't be a succession of regrettable experiences for everybody involved.

There are a gazillion details left out of sex ed like a lot of discussion around what consent is. Since people grow up without knowledge of what a healthy sex life is, they are left influenced by everything sexuality shouldn't be (who makes movies or media about emotionally intelligent adults learning about sex and