holding those joycons for an action game like this
holding those joycons for an action game like this
lobster clawing the joycons tho
No. Everything must be a part of the outrage machine at this point. If you do not like it, then you better Goddamn make sure that no one else will as well.
Nah, we're living in the age of You Will Be Made To Care™!
And murder, even mass murder, is something that happens everyday somewhere in the United States, terrorists are killing random people en-mass somewhere on the global stage, and we have a bloody civil war going on in Syria, yet we continue to make games that extol the fun and excitement of mass destruction and mayhem…
>doesn’t entertain the notion of child marriage.
Isnt the whole point of video games to do things you cant in “real-life” ? If no one is harmed by it then have fun. This is way milder than that serial killer game, whatever the name is.
To be honest I couldn’t care less. I understand why this offends people but I just see something not real. (e.g something done to a fictional character)
It’s really not a debate what someone else does with their own game. It’s also none of your business what they do with their game.
Wouldn’t the obvious solution be “I dont like the mod, so I won’t download it”?
So murdering a citiy’s worth of people in Gta is ok but this is not?
Can you marry her brother too? Surely if you’re gonna go loli then you might as well add shota as well.
So; I’m confused, are we out of real problems & so now we need to start tackling the critical issue of mods certain societies find offensive?
Mechs are still underrepresented in games. Every game should have mechs. Never enough mechs.