We will all be actually dead if it is Tom Hanks.
We will all be actually dead if it is Tom Hanks.
Oh, it was a pretty good movie. There’s just no way I’m ever sitting through that opening sequence ever again. Too real, I guess.
I’m in the minority, but I thought Inside Out was really disappointing and boring (and I love Pixar movies!). It thinks a lot of itself, but I never really connected with the premise.
The mom listening to the death metal was PERFECTION. Utter, utter perfection. 1), because it’s fucking hilarious and 2) it’s such an ode to our moms and that they had a life before us (and possibly filled with experiences that we never would’ve expected).
Brad Pitt played Death in Meet Joe Black. It was a re-make of Death takes a Holiday. Not a very good re-make in my opinion.
Lol. Every male in hollywood who has a staring role has the same issue. This tired old stupid trope (save the city, world, galaxy, war, country, presidency, office building, fire station, river, volcano, blah blah blah.. is all because some guy (white 99% of the time, and Will) wants to save their kid, get back with…
I would be much more into Hancock 2 than this heap of Nicholas Spark afterbirth, and that's not an easy response to extract from me
Would prefer.
With a splash of Inside Out.
Maybe it’s wishful thinking on his part.
I know. I feel bad. I want to like it - look at all those actors I like!!! - but the cheese factor is just too great.
If I could only stop procrastinating, maybe I can finally finish just one mediocre script and sell it to Hollywood. Lord knows it doesn’t take much to be a working screenwriter.
I liked your concept add-on. I mean it’s kind of the point. Do you, girl! Do you! And yeah this song is not meant for D. Trump. Hence the video of the little Latina. I was a pudgy Latina kid with crazy awesome hair and so I feel some serious kindred spirit with this girl. I wish there had been a song for me like this…