Evan W

All of these brain trainers seem to be based on tasks found in computerized neurocognitive batteries. So, if you use a batter as a baseline, then play games based on it, and then take the battery again it should come as no surprise you’ll see improvement. Most of us would call it retest effects. So, garbage in and

All of these brain trainers seem to be based on tasks found in computerized neurocognitive batteries. So, if you use a batter as a baseline, then play games based on it, and then take the battery again it should come as no surprise you’ll see improvement. Most of us would call it retest effects. So, garbage in and

Unfortunately, it’s a lot easier to sell games than neuroscience. Take an assessment, play games based on that assessment, and take the assessment again —- garbage in, garbage out. The value is in identifying congitive deficits so that proper strategies may be put in place that can be practiced in a variety of