Evan Waters

Cece has maybe been the MVP of the season so far. Loved her comment about how the preschoolers looked “super hot” in their uniforms, and when she snapped at Schmidt and Jess for patting themselves on the back when she was the one who was pregnant.

Worse, he tried to make changes to his health benefits package outside of the yearly enrollment window

You mean one of the founders of a YouTube channel about games who got rather aggressive when people didn’t like his joke, left the channel that wasn’t making much money, started his own YouTube channel and got 50,000 dollar a month through Patreon for making right-wing videos?

See, this just shows you aren’t really thinking about the shit you said. On the shallow surface double standards are bad. But if you actually scratch the surface you’ll notice that it’s going to take a very long time of tilting the scales in the opposite direction before we can balance it out and say ‘fair is fair.’

Here’s the catch: religious courts or ‘courts’ can only be used for civil law and then only acting as arbitration or mediation. You’re allowed to use any rulebook you like for arbitration or mediation; you could literally use a DnD manual (which is probably more internally consistent than most religious texts) or this.

Gotta be better than Guy Gilchrest who seemed mostly interested in putting the names of his favorite country bands on Aunt Fritzi’s bosom.

Just chill everyone and go play a game of Five Card Nancy.

“Also why do you own that book?” “You see a red book, you buy a red book.” “What do you do with blue books?” “Don’t buy!” “Yellow books?” “Wait on it”. “That’s true”. I’m going to miss a lot of things about this show but I think I’ll miss the nonsensical exchanges with Nick trying to explain his insane thought

Since this is Amazon Prime, you’d think they’d only release things on the 1st, 3rd, 5th, 7th, 11th, 13th, 17th, 19th, 23rd, 29th and 31st.

Caitlynn Jenner is a treasure trove of big easily highlighted things to dislike and mock, which is what makes the people who go out of their way to take her down a peg for being transgendered such massive assholes.

The cast is very very talented. Chyler Leigh is particularly good & really sold the stuff with the Martians. She does such a nice job being equally tough, vulnerable, and funny. Nice voice too...

OK, somebody’s gotta do it. Karaoke Power Rankings for Team Kara:

That bit about watching with her daughter is awesome to hear! I hate having to explain to some friends about why it is important to have Supergirl/ Black Lightning and a variety of faces in your super/hero stuff!

In the interview Metcalf said that she took the gig because she and her daughter watch the show together every week and she wanted her to meet her superhero idol. Maybe that’s why she gave it her all. Sometimes when a heavyweight shows up on a show like this they treat it as a fun lark. Not here. Her monologue about

Typical RPG design, catering to powergamers who love to play wizards. /bitterness #fighterforlife #doitthehardway

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Not one mention of Monty Python and the holy grail??

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Although it’s not my favourite ever, the opening to Superman Returns is - like the movie itself - highly underrated. Big, sweeping, full of the wonder and scope of the universe, condenses the destruction of Krypton into a concise sixty seconds, classic John Williams score. Marvellous.

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The Casino Royale opening marks the beginning of a new James Bond era with gorgeous animation and a great song by Chris Cornell.