Evan Waters

I’m quite fond of SOB, and it’s not for the obvious reason.

Oh gods, I used to love The Party. Even though I think Sellers gave Baskhi more dignity than Clouseau ever had, it’s still unwatchable now.

That was my first thought as well. In the medley, She Came in Through the Bathroom Window/Golden Slumbers/Carry That Weight/The End is a fantastic closing run, and I think each song works pretty well on its own, too.

‘Bad Actors’... you mean Assholes, right? and if Youtube has taught us anything, Algorithms don’t work, they make things worse.

Because as we all know, automated systems with no human oversight always work, just look at Valve, Tumblr, YouTube etc, no problems there and no indication that this can go very badly very fast /s

Obama trying to find common ground with Grodd so they could work together was very him

I know it was a small moment in the episode, but the “Jake tried to smash the two-way mirror with the chair only to bounce back in his face gag” was not only hilarious, but made me remember the other great gag of the interrogation room, where Boyle tries to smash a plate only for it to bounce up and nail him in the

Now playing

I’m an even bigger fan of their Honda episode in season 6, which of course features Subway (The student, not the corporation). So completely blatant. Not to mention before the episode ran on Yahoo Screen, it had a 3minute honda commercial featuring Abed, doing the commercial in a perfectly abed way.

Yessss DJ Roomba is the best bit

This middle-of-the-road sub-Full Monty crap is killing the British film industry (if you can call it an industry). We’ve just had another one released in the UK about a bunch of former TV wrestlers getting together to save a pub from closing.

You need to re-evaluate you approach to driving.

Doug Judy episodes are always a joy, but moment of the night for me came from Holt and Ter-bear trying to act natural

But Gene does have an ex-girlfriend!

“Oh, it’s super safe, except for that huge unsolved murder that’s gonna happen” has to be a top-ten Louise threat.

So weird - I was catching up on another period this afternoon and the just had a Cyrano plot in the past few weeks too.

unless i’m mistaken, i think that in addition to Cyra-yes, they were also pronouncing it Burger-ac which is an extra layer of great

It’s like that time Spinal Tap played on the Isle of Lucy...

The producers tried to make one about the Apostle Peter, but the studio denied them three times, and they were apprehensive about Thomas. They were doubting Thomas’ viability.

Norm Macdonald eviscerated Bret Easton Ellis when he called Alice Munro overrated. His tweets: “Alice Munro is to literature what Lee Iacocca is to automaking. Bret Easton Ellis is to literature what Lee Iacocca is to literature.” and “It is interesting to see Alice Munro, the writer’s writer, criticized by Bret

Lost an indie game, Master Umfozzles has. How embarrassing. How embarrassing...