
Isn't this the same rationale that got George W. Bush elected?

amateur hour

Retired Tony Romo

4.77 was probably slow for his high school team

You mentioned two whole NIU quarterbacks in one Deadspin article! Gold star!

Show me....HOCKEY

sloppy second tweets

Most valuable traits: hot, hot, and hot.

In the U.S. we generally expect the number of worksite deaths to be 0. If one person dies on-site it will at least halt construction while people figure out what happened and lawyers crawl around for a few days.

hardcore thigh gap

"here's your shiv..."

Well, to be honest, nobody.


Yay! We don't have to show the public in court how our tax-exempt and tax-subsidized monopoly lied for years about the inherent substantial risks of our workplace environment to under-informed workers! I love being an American company!

it must be really, really cold.

is that a dress or are you just happy to see me?

Step 1: Add cannabis.

Only rides in bike races so he can check out other dudes fit butts.

Easy: it's ROIDS!