I, Oilburner

Mmm, love me some 959.

No. Also, no. And just so we're crystal clear - no.

Anyone who needs science to tell them that these ads are bullshit should not venture outside without a helmet, lest they injure their soft head. These ads do exactly what they're supposed to do - show me what a brotastic truck this Nissan is. Who needs reality when you can do barrel rolls and have dragstrip-like

It was the 01m, but it went 250k so did a whole lot better than many of them.

I thought I drove a lot of miles, but this guy is in a whole other league! I just turned 300k on my '03 TDI Jetta last week. Original engine, but I swapped the auto trans for a manual when the auto started to slip at 250k. Goes without saying that nobody has ever worked on it except for me... :)

As a man, I want a nice solid chunk of rendered animal fat to rub on myself, dammit.

I don't get it, I do this all the time with regular old soap, they stick together just fine if you just press the edges together at the end of the shower so they harden overnight.

I'd like to see her used as a course for this next.

Has to be the original Beetle

Rule 34 is alive and well.

That thing looks absolutely enormous!

I wish that I'd had the balls to do something like this when I was younger, and hope that my sons will. My daughters, not so much. :/

There is only one right answer to this. 70's van, baby. Nothing sets the mood quite like shag carpeting, brown marijuana and Led Zeppelin.

Powering our robots by shitting in them every morning will definitely prevent them from getting all uppity and going Terminator on us.

Living in CA, grilling outdoors in January requires that I put on my flip-flops so my toes don't have to touch the chilly concrete.

That is some really hot mucus entanglement action.

That is a coupe in the same way that this is a woman.

The new VW diesels barely sound like diesels, they are incredibly quiet. I haven't heard any of the BMWs, but I'm surprised they're noisy. Is it noisy compared to our modern day so-quiet-at-idle-you-can't-even-hear-it, or does it actually clatter?

Amazing condition, too bad it's not really a desirable model. Looks like the guy never even retrofitted seatbelts into it, now that's dedication to originality!

Diesels are slow, smelly and noisy. I think this one is already on it's way to being dispelled, the last year or so has been great for diesel fans like myself.