I, Oilburner

When she gets her braces off she'll really be beautiful. The aluminum dildo shift knob is a daring choice.

Here's a picture of an orange navel. Don't you like how it fits in with the overall shape and feel of the rest of the orange?

Sure you could flip it, I just don't get the point in the first place. Now that you mention it, he's looking at the phone as though he's using the front facing camera. Double fail.

It's politically incorrect to say this, but another big plus in the horse column is that in a pinch, a horse could feed a squad for a few days.

A better question is why the CEO posed for a picture with his iPhone in the foreground. The Apple logo and camera position are not reversed, as they should be had he actually taken it in a mirror. Does this style of picture get a CEO-on-the-move street cred with 12 year old girls and MySpace hangers-on?

I approve, in theory. In reality, I don't enjoy the company of men enough to actually buy one.

I declare this the best guerrilla art project ever.

Fair enough, but "Westwood Denizen" is also just a fun way of saying "L.A. resident," no?

How about cold wet marble?

Does it come in a tiny version so my miniature giraffe can enjoy as well?

Lucifer is really trying to compensate for something with those outrageous horns in that lead photo. Come on Scratch, we all know you're horny, you don't have to be so obvious.

I think Nibbles has a crush.

I'm mostly offended that it's called the Cube, but is decidedly not a cube. The Logitech Right-Angled Parallelepiped doesn't have much of a ring to it though.

I'm assuming this is some sort of inside-Gizmodo Friday joke, or someone lost a bet. It sure as hell isn't journalism. And yes, I could have just not read the post, but I read everything on Gizmodo. What I (used to?) like about it is that generally speaking every post is worth reading.

You're right, definitely more Tron than Star Trek.

It looks like a Star Trek shuttlecraft from an alternate universe.

Knobs, eh?

This is 500X more faptastic than the sack of antlers that was posted earlier today.

My daily driver is a MK4 Jetta, the only thing preventing it from being the gayest car ever is the fact that it's a TDI. I had high hopes for this New New Beetle, but I'd still feel like I was hauling a sack of penises on the roof. Better than the last one, but not quite what I'd call a manly coupe.

In Fight Club I beleive they referred to the condition as "Bitch Tits."