I'm not a big football fan, but I hear that at one point Jesus himself descended from heaven and snapped the ball to Tebow. It's probably on YouTube, just haven't had time to look yet.
I'm not a big football fan, but I hear that at one point Jesus himself descended from heaven and snapped the ball to Tebow. It's probably on YouTube, just haven't had time to look yet.
How interesting, "Tattooed Aunts for Science" is also the name of my all-lesbian polynesian influenced electro-pop quartet.
If these are as well made as this article makes them sound, they will be a winner. Clean builds, all aluminum unibody, top end components... color me interested.
Nice hat, but it looks like he stole his pants from Fat Albert.
Diggin the R8 spider, not so much the booth pro's cankles.
If you'd been paying attention you'd realize that I'm not a tea partier, that's a label you assigned to me when you concluded I don't agree wholeheartedly with all of your beliefs, which appear to comprise of the following -
Poor monkey's going to have a sore jaw tomorrow.
So it's like that time I ate a whole bag of Olestra potato chips. I thought it was a gastronomic miracle, and it turned out to be an epic test of intestinal fortitude. #badday
While I respect the Occupy movement for taking a stand for what they believe in, I'd actually lean towards the Tea Party since the Occupiers tend towards pie-in-the-sky socialist ideals. FWIW, I haven't voted for a Democrat or a Republican in nearly 10 years, and I vote in every election. I think we would likely…
I had one of these when I was a kid, except that it was shaped like an airplane and made out of styrofoam, and the layer of dirt was very thin and built up over the course of an afternoon while playing with it in a empty lot. These ones don't look quite as fun.
That'll buff right out.
Lovely pics of clouds, too bad that house was in the way.
I've got to go with Rudy due to sheer WTF entertainment value.
If ever there was a cat who should be named Mittens, it's this one.
Perhaps I'm just getting old, but flavored vodkas are getting out of hand. At the store the other day they birthday cake vodka. Delicious to the discriminating 10 year old girl's palate to be sure, but seriously?
VW TDI FTW - 50mpg@75mph :D
What's the center of the minature version of the earth's spinning core?