I, Oilburner
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I'd like to see this guy, or a similarly talented motor cop give it a shot, if a full dresser would even fit up that staircase...

I tried to use Siri quite a bit for the first week that I had the 4s, but I've pretty much given up on it. It's a fun toy for the kids to play with, but I needed to rephrase just about everything I asked several times, and would usually just give up and do it the old fashioned way.

Or, for $50, what appears to be the exact same thing, just without the duallys...

Am I doing it right?

I take Ambien fairly regularly and can attest to the odd behavior, decreased inhibitions and memory loss that can happen if you don't go to bed right away. Sometimes I remember what I did if someone reminds me or I find evidence, but the memory is more like I was watching someone else. Sometimes I will take one when

Jamie's foot looks like it's been crammed into pointy shoes too many times.

Mmm, I get a drumstick!

Assuming that the average weight of the coins is 5 grams, he added about 365 pounds to the car. So it's like driving around with two skinny Oprahs or one fat one in the backseat all the time.

I'd guess that any nancy who is sufficiently frightened about fiery death by Volt to request a loaner car is unlikely to choose a Corvette as said loaner.

Dog in the bathtub is quite an advanced maneuver, I don't recommend it for amateurs.

The propotions of the Gillet Vertigo are exceptionally dong-like.

Somewhere, an EPA official is squatting in a corner, clutching his knees and murmuring incomprehensible things to himself.

The amount of cocaine used on that set could probably fill a swimming pool.

Any idea where this took place? If it was really cold outside perhaps hot shit on a cold windshield added an element of thermal shock?

This is such a coincidence, my all-brass acoustic rave music project is called "Energetic Frog Tendon"

CP on this one, but that dealer has some nice cars! Something about the lines on this one makes my pants fit funny.

For some reason that makes much more sense, Swede customs are batshit crazy in an entirely different way than Japanese ones. The announcer sounded English in the video, but the audio is pretty bad and I couldn't actually make out what he was saying. Maybe that's because it's not actually English!

Cliche, but I have to go with the E38.

Heinz and Deiter have the synchronized blinking act down pat.