"Not completely terrible!" I expect to see that as an endorsement on Mazda's website.
"Not completely terrible!" I expect to see that as an endorsement on Mazda's website.
Holy crap, welcome to 1991. This thing is seriously old school. Gumbo Mudder tires, lots of chrome, triple hoop light bar (don't you dare call it a roll bar), more shocks than you can shake a stick at, cab visor. It's even got lift blocks on the front axle, the most dubious of shadetree lift options.
This is awesome, but it would be 1000x more awesomer if it was a minifig instead of the oversized version.
Beautiful car, but it appears that someone recently dismembered a hooker with a chainsaw inside of it.
Bearing in mind earlier developments in Japanese custom car culture, this doesn't surprise me in the least.
In communist Russia, codeine eats you!
The three who aren't wearing white socks are wearing fierce little square toed ankle high booties.
You can have my 2 second rule when you pry it from my cold, dead, pinned-beneath-my-dashboard hands. Now get off my lawn!
He's just oldschool.
I'm pretty sure that's the point. :D
I used to try to get people to adjust their side mirrors correctly all the time but gave up after about 2 years and a 0% success rate. This subject would make for a good article if it hasn't been done recently.
I'll go with the concept of increasing following distance based on speed. People seem to stick with the same 2-3 car distance at speeds anywhere from 15-85 mph. It's crazy what kind of space most drivers leave between themselves and the car in front of them. Two second rule, people!
This law doesn't go far enough. People should be prosecuted just for talking about illegal or amoral activities. In my opinion even thinking bad or unkind thoughts should be a crime. Unapproved thought leads to real world crime. Crime hurts children. Anyone who doesn't agree with me wants to hurt children.
Completely, unequivocally, unabashedly awesome. And a great big CP at $14k.
No. No no no no no no no no no. Nein, Het, Nr, Non, Nej, Não, 否, Αριθ, いいえ.
In CA the best way appears to be turning on the big electronic signs that are *supposed* to be used for Amber Alerts. They're *actually* used to completely fuck up traffic with such useful endeavors as warning that a bridge 200 miles away will be closed for 2 days, a month from now. Apparently people are so…
.6 pulses per nanometer, what an electron guzzler. I'd only consider it if they make a hybrid, but it has to have at least 6 cupholders and room for golf clubs in the trunk.
Some wiener feeds wiener dog acid while his wiener is hanging out. The weiner trifecta is complete, the end of days is nigh.
Today just sucks out loud. Just this morning I went to go shopping and my new Mercedes that Mom bought me last week (the first one was the wrong color) was in the courtyard instead of the garage! The servant or whatever who parks the cars forgot to put it in the garage last night! It had dust on it so I am like…