My ribs hurt when I think about what the front seatbelts are going to do should that thing be in a serious head-on collision.
My ribs hurt when I think about what the front seatbelts are going to do should that thing be in a serious head-on collision.
I don't understand, would you draw a diagram?
About the Cayenne - "Honestly, I've seen more attractive gangrenous wounds than this... It has the sex appeal of a camel with gingivitis."
Are you going to have to have surgery or trying to manage with meds? It's a shit sandwich either way, I try not to get mad about the fact that this happened as soon as I got into shape. Makes me regret all those wasted years as a fat kid.
I just joined. A bit about me - up until 2006 I had been sedentary my whole life, but genetics were relatively kind to me in that I am a fairly muscular guy under the fat I was carrying. I'm 6' and was 270 lbs in late 2006. I made a commitment to lose weight and got to 195 by mid 2007. BMI said I was still solidly…
Oh this is spectacular, I had a three level fusion in June of this year to correct three degenerated discs, with no bone graft and some sort of metal cage and bone-growth stimulating goo involved between the vertebra. Looks like I should give my surgeon a call. :/
Comedy gold.
I have two family members who use weed for chronic pain, and both swear by it. One is in her 20s and I think sometime uses it as much for fun as to deal with her fibro, the other is in her 60s and uses it for arthritis and other serious joint pain, as well as to help get to sleep. There are definitely medical uses,…
I'm curious why scientists "subjected rats to a drug that mimics THC" instead of using actual THC. Wouldn't this study be flawed simply because they used a different substance, regardless of how perfect the mimicry of the actual substance?
OK, how has nobody said Night Rider yet?
I'm not sure how muscle tissue grown in a petri dish will have the same structure. At the cellular level I'm sure it will, but in the real world a muscle that's never been used for anything except twitching on velcro seems likely to have a significantly different texture to it. Someday get yourself a nice steak from…
Call me old fashioned, but I prefer my food to have feet and a face. Factory beef is gross enough for a variety of reasons, but beef raised in a petri dish... no thank you, sir!
Right now it appears that I'd know the difference because my steak would be wafer-thin. In the future I'd hope that there would be some sort of disclosure required to let you know you're eating soylent-moo.
It could taste like pumpkin pie, I'm still not going to eat meat grown in a lab. Although I guess if I ran across normal meat that tasted like pumpkin pie I probably wouldn't eat that either.
Dirt Rag, awesome! I totally remember when that magazine made it to CA, it was so different than all the glossy MTB mags at the time.