I, Oilburner

So much more refined than an egg crate. Also, I dig your orange hoody.

Yeah it was from when they were still making them in San Francisco. I still order batches of their laptop messengers to distribute with laptops to employees and the quality is shit comparatively, unless you order the full custom ones that are made in SF, those are still pretty good but cost nearly twice as much.

There's something to be said for a quality (read: not cheap) laptop bag. I've been using the same Timbuk2 bag for 6 years now and it's still in great shape. It's a bit dirty though, I wish someone made a chair for it.

I think these keyboards will see more fapping than fragging.

You, sir, hit the nail on the head. I probably I like Community better because I'm two parts geek to only one part nerd.

Moo moo, big fella.

Some folks sure are sensitive to any negative comments about Apple products! My semi-joking tone was not conveyed well, but yow! Sensitive much? I'm surprised nobody pointed out that Apples mouse and trackpad products have replaceable batteries...

So Logitech makes a device in which the batteries last for 3 years and are easily replaced, and Apple makes devices in which the battery wears out in a year, and is not. Makes sense!

Reconnecting a ponytail one hair at a time is busywork, making sure that each hair is reattached to the same hair that it was cut from... that's a PITA.

Any Neiman-Marcus branded vehicle...

Holy sideburns, Batman!

Community is IMHO the best show on network TV right now, and easily 3.14159265 times geekier than The Big Bang Theory, which is also a great show and plenty geeky in it's own right.

The homebrew scallop paintjob is an abomination unto the lord. The inwardly canted, awkward looking seats speak to the workmanship and attention to detail that will likely crop up in other, more important systems. The oddly enormous fuel tank that sits behind the rear axle and probably a full foot higher than stock

Everyone seems to be angry with the police for killing the animals, but the blame rests with the owner, who either didn't have safeguards for keep the cages secure, or twisted off and opened them all intentionally for some reason. Even if the animals had escaped from the best equipped zoo in the world there's no way


This guy, only because it's the only picture I found of someone posing with his Celebrity. He does have a Blues Brothers sort of vibe going on, so that's pretty cool. Not bowtie and fez cool, but cool nevertheless.

Of course it's well preserved, everyone knows that jesus-ponies lived a mere few thousand years ago.

I'd like to propose "Occupy Wilzig Racing Manor." Of course I will bring a fruit basket for Mr. Wilzig, say please and thank you, and do my best to not stare at his googly eye.

For some reason "Under the Sea" from the Little Mermaid keeps running through my head as I watch this.

Nibbles is a bitch today.