If I were a dragon, I would be turgid. Alas I am human, so I am ambivalent.
Someone should watch Jurassic Park.
With a $2000 articulating floor lamp passing as noteworthy, I'm guessing that this is a slow news day, eh Giz? #pokingthebear
As opposed to those in favor of this sort of law, who think "Damn the consequences, they will do what I feel like."
KIds can no longer sell lemonade at a stand on the corner. Not regulated ya know, no telling what might be in that pitcher.
That's a frightening line of reasoning, but it seems to be exactly what lawmakers in CA believe as well.
I'm pleased about it since it brings us one step closer to our perfect Utopia. A few thousand more laws and everything will finally be strictly regulated by the Wise and Benevolant CA State Legislature, making we Californian's lives so much easier.
I didn't think one could get any more effeminate than riding a scooter. Then you said the rider was French. Then he started towing around another guy. The other guy was wearing inline skates. Seriously, you couldn't make this shit up.
I once had a girlfriend that really liked it when I gave her the ol' Frenchman on a Scooter.
This guy is also English, and his Big Ben is also leaning. Coincidence? I think not.
We apologize again for the fault in the rentals. Those responsible for sacking the people who have just been sacked have been sacked. The directors of the firm hired to continue the rentals after the other people had been sacked, with it to be known that they have just been sacked.
Sorry, I just ha'd to since I've never seen that one before.
I really want to know what the full form of "wan't" is. :D
It's all fun and games until you get a fiberglass splinter under a fingernail. Unless you're into that kind of thing.
I was an idiot to sell it for $500, but at the time it seemed like a good idea. Image link seems to be broken now - [i.imgur.com]
Nice story, I'm sure everyone on Jalopnik can relate to the warm fuzzy feeling that their first car gives them. I still regret selling mine. 1977 Toyota Corona station wagon, bought from my Grandpa for $500 when I turned 16 in 1992. I wish I could have it back, or find another one to do all the things to it I…
No matter what they call it in the tech specs, to consumers it will still be regular old plastic. Studies show that plastic is only 36.5% as sexy as an aluminum.