I, Oilburner

I LOL'd, but then I felt a little bad that I LOL'd. Then I LOL'd again.

I'm so bummed I don't still have my He-Man toys! I agree that original transformers are way better, although most of mine have pretty loose joints since they were played with so much back in the day. At least they aren't broken like the new ones my kids have...

I've repossessed a few of my favorite Hot Wheels also, I glued magnets to the undersides of them and use them as fridge magnets. If I can't play with them at least I can see them when I get a frosty beverage!

My boys have hundreds of Hot Wheels, as a kid I had a couple dozen and always wanted more. In retrospect, by only having a couple dozen I really appreciated them and had a few that were favorites through the years. My boys have so many that they treat them as disposable, and then I have to try not to get upset when

Wow, he had some generous parents! I still have most of my toys from the last couple years that I still played with toys (probably '84-86), but they only take up 2 boxes. I saved them for my kids, but they have no interest in GI Joes or old transformers, gobots and hotwheels.

CP, a whole big sack of CPs. For $2500 or so I would rock it all day long. No smog in CA because of the diesel title, so it would make an awesome sleeper here.

"Always play this song when I'm here"


Um, no, no it isn't. Just commenting that the Golf has come a long way from it's roots as an econobox, which is interesting since I think it's the smallest car that VW currently sells in the US. Probably speaks more to American's tastes than anything else.

Doesn't matter what it is, so long as it costs over $50k and it comes in pussy-magnet yellow.

6th - Wow, nearly $40k for a Golf is sheer insanity.

Bow ties are cool!

Check out Waze in the app store, it's got turn by turn navigation and a cool social aspect.

Getting their little shoes on is the hardest part.

How interesting, Communal Sea Sponge is the name of my acid-jazz/hip-hop fusion trio.

I'll file this idea along with "perforated condom."

It's always makes me a bit sad to see custom cars that are stereotypical of the year they were originally built, still being used despite their decay and complete lack of any cool factor they once had. It's the automotive equivalent of watching Dick Clark do the countdown on New Years Eve.

So how much extra will it cost for my truck to look like some artistically challenged kids sprayed graffiti all over the side?