I have nipples, Focker, can you microchip me?
I have nipples, Focker, can you microchip me?
That's all super nifty and stuff, but when you hold your iphone to your ear so the picture lines up correctly with your earhole, you'll be listening to the center of the screen.
It would appear that Luigi installed the side mirror backwards. Whoops!
Wouldn't the 2 lbs of CO2 that a joint adds to the environment just be 2lbs that was pulled from the same environment during the growing phase of the weed? It's not like burning oil where you're releasing CO2 that's been locked up in the earth for millions of years.
My DD is an '03 Jetta TDI, it's been a great car. 300k miles and everything still works perfectly, including all of the electrics. I think by '03 they had figured out most of the gremlins, and it was also the last year of the ALH diesel. Best model Jetta ever, IMHO, but I'm biased. :D
"Yes sir... what's that? Dual headlights on every model? But sir... No, I... But you see... OK, yes sir, dual headlights all around!"
This way it's easier for the government to track your every post. *Dons tinfoil helmet*
Neat, video of someone shooting an airport security camera with a squirt bottle on a cloudy day.
I'd crash because I'd be giggling so hard.
My knuckles hurt just looking at the pictures...
There are a couple of elements here that tell me it's a Camaro, but with what can be seen here I can see how it might be easy to mistake it for a Challenger... but not really by someone who owns one car or the other. :D
"Designed by Apolle in California Assemeaded in USA"