I, Oilburner

Some say he's built like a malnourished 11 year old boy...

Art of grammar - you're doing it wrong. :D

I love the look and the idea, but I'd be hesitant to hold my wallet to my ear while talking on the phone, with my ID and/or credit cards and/or mad stacks o' washingtons hanging out for the world to see.

"Like a tank-tractor hybrid, the 8.75-ton D-3 weighs nearly as much as an adult Orca."

Hmm, that slide looks familiar in it's complexity. This story is somewhat related, at least in my head...

Let's try that again.


I'm curious how no VW TDIs made the list. If I recall, they get something like 35/42 EPA, and in the real world can actually get significantly higher.

"It gives a very good idea on how big our species' physical impact on the planet really is."

Travis Pastrana is a national treasure. I remember seeing him in one of the first Crusty Demons of Dirt films, when he was 14 or so. It's great to see that he's lived up to the potential that he appeared to have back then.

As an IT Professional I think you and your users would be better served if you learned to use the ribbon as designed instead of covering it up with freeware.

I'd guess it's more likely they're trying to gain marketing traction based on recent positive press re clean diesel in the US, and think that promoting something as "Brand new for the US!" will get more attention than promoting it as a return to something that was introduced all the way back in the last century. :p

"The news under the hood is that for the first time in the U.S., the Beetle will be offered with a turbodiesel engine."

Now playing

Formula Off-Road. Massive horsepower, ridiculous hillclimbs, and courses that include sections where competitors have to drive on water. Crazy nordic motorsport at it's finest. :D

I'm assuming that L. Bob Rife is the guy behind the guy.

I give props to the man for following through on something that he apparently believed in, but I think he might have had an easier time selling the Navy on a convertible submarine concept. The proportions on that poor car have caused me to question some basic laws of time and space.

Make that kid work!

I see what you did there.