
So, the enclosures are interesting, but what a bit of awkwardness would ensue should one pass a bit of quiet gas while inside one with others?

“Making this switch would broaden your product’s appeal, opening up a whole new market while losing none of its taste.”

Let’s call this blog what it is - pure jealousy.

I’m sorry to have to tell you this but: Jimmy broke on purpose.

He’d be a giant hypocrite. He just said “Blackface ain’t cool, OK? That’s my quote. Blackface is bad. Who needs it?”

I got crabs just reading this.

To me that sounds more like a term of endearment. 

One of the most beautiful women of the latter half of the 20th century – and THIS is the photo you go with?

When you want to go full Midwestern, you say “Fords.”  Where do your father, grandfather, cousin and baby brother work? Fords.

Well, I rarely stay for the money shot.

Do you still believe that Jussie was attacked by rednecks wearing MAGA hats in minus 16 below weather in Chicago too?

Because the definition of “queer icon” was for decades (and still is, in some benighted places that have yet to see the light of day) “any straight woman who has been on television”.

If you read it as a teenager you would have liked it.

Basically, the hated list contains anything you had to read in school that was long and really, really boring

It’s like calling yourself “McG.”  Maybe you are a perfectly normal, friendly, guy.  But you aren’t going to get the benefit of the doubt on that one.

Did you all close your laptops at home together in solidarity?

I have never understood why anyone likes those nasty things lol

What phrases will we see emblazoned on the candy hearts of tomorrow?

Don’t worry. Your bartender drinks the cheap shit too. 

I’ll feel like my life was meaningless unless that does happen.