Evan R

I've noticed this a lot, actually. It recognizes when you swear but only calls you for a technical if your swearing is actually in response to a call. It's pretty neat if you ask me.

The first time it happened to me in NBA 2k14, I laughed. The problem is I have a tendency to just start spouting off curse-words when I'm by myself that is probably somehow related to some disorder but anyway, I got caught swearing when it was completely unrelated to the game I was playing and got called for a


You can.

Or, y'know, just unplug it.

Overreaction this is.

I think you're kind of missing the point — these are both sports games where sportsmanship is highly valued. If this were COD reprimanding for cursing in a multiplayer game, that's one thing, but you can actually receive a foul in basketball or be ejected from a game in European football for using foul language,

It's not really about the console reprimanding you for having foul language. This isn't a free speech thing. In both basketball and European football, you get fouled (or carded in the case of FIFA) for arguing with the ref or using foul language. These games are just bringing another level of realism to the game.