Erv the duck

Nah it’s a problem for sure. It’s also not the first cross country team that has gotten suspended. I’m all for it, honestly. It just rings hollow to me in that, having been a DIII cross country runner myself, I know how little the sport means and known that the season is already over. But same could go for Harvard. It

Suspending the entire team seems like a bit much, and I’d guess it has most to do with them having written it down. They could have just suspended the people who wrote the emails right? Not to excuse any of these numbnuts, but it’s hard for me to see how this is worse than, y’know, actual rape. Yet we aren’t seeing

well thank god we have you to figure out whether people fucking starving and losing their homes is the dictionary definition of a revolution. I’m sure many will find comfort in the clear labeling job you have done here.

I mean, I guess we are looking at different graphs up there because that divergence, and notable difference from other countries, is a bloody revolution in my eyes. Lost jobs means kids don’t eat, means health needs don’t get met, means people get abused because they need that second income to have a home and the

Already bloody out there, boss. People fucking dying from poverty and homelessness and starvation and lack of adequate healthcare every damn day. Blood of rich folk would be terrible, but important to note their hoarding of resources and national income is its own form of killing.

The private market works! This is so much better than if we just had government regulated/provided internet.

God bless Richard Sherman.

How do you titillate and ocelot?

I just screamed “lebrawn James!!!” And fell into a wall of the bar

What happens to a relatively poor country whose main source of GDP is oil when the oil cartel decides to oversupply the market to crush US production?