
Well, mine is rather recent, I’ve known a girl for quite some time, but only recently did we start seeing each other more often, like every other weekend during pretty much the whole year. I ussually have friends over to play games and at some point she started playign with us, even joined our D&D party and was really

I was in middle school, at that time, our school had these club-like gatherings, and the most popular was the “video game club.” I was like the vice-president, only second to the teacher, and I would bring my 64 and Wii.

I met her because she was the only one standing still, toward the back, not saying anything, not

A long time ago (in 2001 to be exact) I was reading an online comic that talked a lot about a game called Ultima Online. I’d never played an MMORPG before, so the whole thing sounded weird and intriguing, and I ran out and bought a copy, encouraging an online friend of mine to do the same. We had a pretty good time