
Geez, my biggest problem is that now that I am reading books on my Evo, I crank through them too fast.

@XtremeCamera: "You know, I finally picked up two iPhone 4's last week, a 16GB and a 32GB. Neither phone has any reception problem and I tried like hell to make it happen. So, if it IS a design problem can someone please explain to me why most phone as free of this defect? "

I am a fast reader to begin with.

I hate subject lines that don't actually tell you the subject and instead just say something extremely vague like 'Question' or 'Problem' or 'Meeting'.

@virgil.ierubino: If that is the complete list, then i.e. is correct.

@Josh Perry: So let's see: in your mind, someone saying 'Let's wait and see what the experts say before jumping to conclusions.' is more fanatical than someone who decides right from the get go before the investigation has even begun that they are wrong, wrong, wrong and fights tooth and nail with anyone that dares

@Josh Perry: @Josh Perry: "There's nothing wrong with having antitrust departments. Where the problem lies is allocating limited resources to pursue cases that are a waste of time and money. "

@Josh Perry: That's like saying the US government should stop having the IRS conduct audits of businesses because there is an oil spill in the gulf. That is completely nonsensical.

@Josh Perry: "I don't give a damn if that is her specialty, they have more important things to deal with"

@jaredgibbs: This comment really tells me more about you than Gizmodo.

@Calvin Wong: The resolution of the iPhone is nice but does nothing to compensate for the size (and in some cases makes it worse as things are even smaller) in many cases.

It also depends on what you use it for.

@C0ldFusi0n: It is also what you are used to. It seems big when you first hold it but once you get used to it, it then seems normal and others seem small.

Now if only it weren't so small.

@MTVAH: That is still is a strictly subjective viewpoint. There are many people that would disagree with that and they are just as right as you are.

@MTVAH: "It shows a supreme lack of understanding over the way that art is defined. "

@yknot7: Same here. At a mere 5.65 sq in, the screen is just too small to be much use for sites that don't have a mobile version.

I always hated Apple's app store: only rudimentary search, filtering and sorting and tons of crap.

Oops, looks like the update broke ShootMe (screen capture app).