This is exactly the role a mature-for-his-years young actor with a balanced ego and a vast reservoir of talent should be taking… That is all.
This is exactly the role a mature-for-his-years young actor with a balanced ego and a vast reservoir of talent should be taking… That is all.
So was Bob finally roofied?
Totally. I think I officially moved Robin Williams to the 'ugh' file when I saw a movie poster with him wearing an old-timey Ben Franklin wig. Apparently it was some kind of political comedy… Good Lord. I still remember the bad taste in my mouth, which required many ounces of Mr. Pibb to wash away. I'm sure he's…
I'm just thankful Noah remembered to save some nitrogen-fixing bacteria!
Its HARD to see how this movie justifies a 'B' grade, when the THRUST of the plot seems to oscillate between gratuitous MAN-MEAT jokes and tear-JERKING pathos. Perhaps the script was too HUNG-up on being all things to all people? Also… THROBBING.
To cite one example of many, Road & Track's recent long-term test of an Audi left them stranded at 22,000 miles and needed its transmission replaced at 16,000 miles (that's about $6,000 off warranty, by the way).… But I'm sure Gervais wouldn't endorse any manufacturer unless it met his…
Yes. Comedy Central is operating a Twitter account independent of Colbert's show - apparently for marketing purposes - and yet Colbert (the actual person) is being held responsible for the mangled re-purposed content posted by the umbrella organization. Its very silly.
Pretty much the whole outrage-thing is a study in jackassary when you realize that it was some Comedy Central minion posting the out of context 'joke', not Colbert or anyone on his show. I think the AV article might have underscored that tiny fact a bit more…
You know (just spit ballin' here) looking at the Simpson's plot (hmmmm)… It looks like if you could disregard the early seasons' highs, and the late seasons' lows, and then correct for the usual audience-disenfranchisement that accompanies a long-running show, the show still has a strong center.
Totally… and it works in reverse as well… The AV Club gave the movie adaptation of The Black Dahlia an 'A-' and I was never so disappointed in my life walking out of a theater. I learned a lot about the AV Club from that review.
Believe me, you are one of many who noticed this lazy use language… (And yes, it feels good to be pedantic at such times!)
Lobo… Lobo… Lobo…
Yes….Designer Buttflaps… OBVIOUSLY.
The Fast and Furious have taken such a long and drawn-out piss on this type of movie that anything which looks remotely similar arrives with zero credibility. I'm a huge car-guy, and I'm definitely a target for this flick, yet I take one look at the title, movie-poster, etc. and think 'Oh, another flick for DBs.'
That's quite cool… makes me want to re-watch that flick!
Honestly, I can't stomach the comments section on a yahoo news article, even on a benign topic like winter tires for your car, or some such topic… I know mental health experts are starting to dig into the unsettling idiocy / awfulness of some of these commentators, but they haven't yet talked honestly about the mass…
I think the marketing people for Axe Body Spray missed an orange opportunity with this movie.
Which episode introduces 'wacky neighbor' Joe Stalin? It was pretty funny when he ruined that sleepover in '44… remember the siege of the kitchen cookie jar? Classic.
Just a guess, but I'd say that several hours spent in the makeover-room, some sexy dress attire, and a fair amount of photoshop is at work in the picture above… how else can 6 different women have almost exactly the same skin-tone?
A script to a better movie?