Evan Louis

Hmm… Barney's film had heart, but 'Football in the groin' had a football in the groin.

Nice reference!

'Awash in gay people' is the new 'Binders full of women' comment…

Spoiler Alert! Some character is betrayed… and there is hot Rep-on-Dem sex in the Oval Office, if you know what I mean. (Not really, just guessing here)

So right you are! They were pressured to change the lyrics, and didn't… Big difference.

I could be wrong, but I think it also was a riff on The Doors changing lyrics for TV, commercials, etc.

Well, Wyoming has a population of about 200, so there's that. Maybe some lovable statistics nerd could do a Chi-Squared test and compare the actual versus the expected (or whatever… its bee awhile since school)?

Wait, what do Kenyan licence-plates look like…!?!?

Wait… you mean we're still in a recession? We must prop-up the housing market with millions of low interest rate loans, if only to make 'Architect' a more believable movie profession.

For me, Mr. smith has become poo (for obvious reasons)… so this is good news.

May I suggest some sort of a German word? Der Kaputnickancellzapruderstrassa…?

Let's hope there is a moving scene where Romney holds down a teenage kid who he believes is gay and gives him a much needed haircut. Romney… such an American hero.

If you know anything about the recent history of Chrysler - 2 bailouts in 3 decades, incompetent management, horrible labor relations, etc. - the idea of the company trying to attach itself to some halcyon vision of Detroit is idiotic and insulting. Sorry, this is an advert for know-nothing fucktards…

Superman's favorite lady…? Did he have more than one lady?

Let's also not forget when Thin-Kilmer left and we got this http://fatvalkilmer.com/ Definitely a lot more pathos… In retrospect, kinda' gives the volleyball scene in Top Gun a whole new perspective, yes?

I remember that time I had sexual intercourse with my penis… it was awesome!

As someone who has (unfortunately) some experience writing press releases, managing PR firms, etc. its great to see the underbelly of this silliness exposed… I wonder if Mr. Katz realizes he is being punked in several different ways?

Just spit out my coffee with that one… Killer tag line. You may have a future in advertising, my good sir.

The idea that a degree from the London School of Economics would play in Wall Street and give him an automatic 'in' is pretty funny. LSE generally produces academics, 'thinkers', etc…not Wall Street material. But hey, that name sounds really sophisticated, so lets have the character be a student there. A small

I wish the interviewer had told Mr. David that he f-ing nailed his character in Platoon. Just perfect work. The next time I saw him in a film was Something About Mary, and I could barely connect the two people. This guy is an actual 'actor' and a pleasure to watch.