1st: the whole argument is moot, elon gets paid if elon meets targets elon has set for tesla... has elon ever met a delivery date or target for tesla? ...literally ever?
Exactly. 99% of women wear jeans that defy the laws of physics in such that they shouldn’t be able to fit them on their own bodies, let alone allow enough room for man’s hand. Unless Mark Cuban has ninja sex hands, this story seems unlikely.
The only thing that makes me think Cuban might not be lying is the part about stuffing his hand down the back of her pants and touching her groin region. I’ve only ever stuck my hand down the back of a woman’s pants consensually but I can barely reach the bottom curve of her butt, if that. Maybe she wasn’t wearing…
This is not weird at all. He owns an NBA team, and they teach the players exactly this type of thing. Derrick Rose gave some details about the rookie program during his trial, and he said he was coached not to leave used condoms behind. These guys are targets for any woman looking for a payday, and I’m sure this has…
Yeah, except the Chesapeake isn’t international waters, and we haven’t recently annexed Mexico in a sham referendum. So not quite the same thing.