
No we don’t “love” Putin, but he is certainly a much stronger leader than Obama. I mean, it’s pretty clear.

So layoff the left winger Obama apologist organizations.

A toast..... to the most powerful leader on earth. May it one day again be an American.

He fought a bear. A fucking BEAR! I fought John Boehner. Metaphorically. In a suit. As a liberal. He fought a fucking bear. Where’s my tampon? I mean it, Hillary. Where’s my goddam tampon?

Proper pumps have enough hose to reach the far side, as pictured.

Since this was mentioned in the video, I feel the need to clarify it: Cell phones do NOT cause fires at gas pumps. They do NOT produce sparks that can ignite fuel vapors. Anyone who says otherwise is a god damned liar who understands neither how fire works nor cell phones.

Pretty much sums it up.

Oh for crying out loud, here’s a dollar, go buy yourself a clue: do you know how much money Gazprom brings in for Russia in selling gas to Europe?

After you overthrew the sovereign governments of Iran,Iraq,Libya,Ukraine and Panama to name a few you really need to take a long hard look on the mirror.

You should see some of the Governments the US has supported over the years. Make’s Assad look like Mother Theresa.

Well, same nation (Germany), different countries. But, still.

GM lied about a fault that existed in 28 million cars that led to 124 deaths and received a $900,000,000 fine. VW lies about an emissions test on 500,000 cars which killed nobody and is threatened with a $16,000,000,000 dollar fine?

Does that make sense?

If you travel outside the US, take a long hard look at T-Mobile. They have free international roaming in most countries (albeit slow) as well as .20 cents per call while you are there. Not as cheap as getting a foreign sim, but cheap enough to where it isn’t worth the hassle.

Did you just say destabilize the region?

But it’s just so bland.

Ding. Let’s not pretend that the system is doing its best but just doesn’t get enough money. The system is doing its best to put money into the pockets of politicians, business cronies, and union leaders. Fixing the infrastructure is just the laundry through which they run the money operation.

Don’t take this the wrong way, I love Manhattan, but its a decaying shithole covered in makeup and lipstick. No offense, still love the city. It is what it is.

gasoline is too cheap here to make the higher cost of diesel engines worth it.

Don’t fuck with Russia.

But Hillary’s emails are safe, right?