
I can take them in Bits and Pieces

He made a vas deferens in the history of music.

Read the book that it's based on. Holmes was a pretty strident eugenicist. I don't take away a lot of his great decisions but he comes across as a pretty big dick.

The Lavin show was based on the movie. Vic Tayback reprised his role as Mel, and Polly Holliday was playing the role Dianne Ladd played in the movie. Over time, the show moved completely away but, at the outset, it was intended to be a comedic version of the movie.

Actually, "Alice," which was not a Lear show, was derivative of "Alice Doesn't Live Here Anymore."

The one dressed like a cross between Brody and Bob Fosse. Wait…that's Scheider.

I'm Jewish. Do you write the Easter Bunny? I thought you just write Santa.

Taking Geraldo with you is per se heroism. Even if you do nothing else.

For me, it came down to money. I have Spectrum (formerly Time Warner) and the cost of the triple play was only marginally higher than the cost of Internet alone and, when you factor in subscription services, it was basically a wash. If you told me I could save $50 a month, I'd think about it. But if I'm going to be

Yup, that and Rabbit Test.

Agreed. He's a comedian and TV star who did a few movies. Brilliant comedian and TV star, but he really doesn't belong in an Oscars montage.

The funny thing is Los Angeles was played by…you guessed it…Frank Stallone. Who should've gotten the Best Actor nomination, IMHO

A co-worker from New Haven says Sally's is a worthy second choice.

Dollar slices are for (a) when you're in a rush (like you don't even have 5 minutes to wait for them to heat your slice), (b) broke or (c) drunk. That and they remind me of bowling alley pizza.

I like pineapples. I like pizza. I also like ice cream and gumbo, but it doesn't meet they should go together.

Dunham was my first thought. OK, my only thought. Even Larry the Cable Guy is like "I'm not going to this shit show."

After this weekend, it's Jeff Dunham.

It was cordless and ultrasonic.

Is that the lyric? I always heard it as "Kiss from a Rose on the Grave," which made no sense.

Don't limit it! It was also the place for suburban New York kids who wanted to dress like members of Loverboy. RIP, Nanuet Mall.