
Watch the video for "Separate Ways" by Journey. Steve Perry is like a model for Chess King,

Pour one out for Merry-Go-Round.

Straight to VD? That makes sense.

Fair enough. It does suck for Butch and Mary Tyler Moore though.

Good Lord, he feels like he's dyin'.

Oh yeah, she's still alive. And Cloris Leachman is still around too.

Ed Asner and Gavin McLeod are still around as well.

Butch Trucks also died. 2017 off to a "great" start

Hypocrisy is my preferred method of parenting.

Hot dog or "meat"ball hero in a foil bag for me, thanks.

It's kind of sad but not really surprising. It's like when a restaurant in your area that you never go to but that's been there forever closes. It won't change your life in any way but you still miss it for some reason.

I liked her on "Talk Soup."

"I've had my chloro-phyll of these jokes," he barked. Secretly, he pined for more puns.

HALF-LIFEā€¦that's my water has.

Is Rivers Cuomo doing the score? Maybe with Frank Ocean?

At least you get to be a prize asshole. All I got was honorable mention.

That's why there's the modifier "Taylor." It tells you it's not ham, in the FDA sense of the word.

Bread and butter pickles are an abomination unto the Lord. Thus sayeth Guss 7:34.

Martin's Potato Rolls.

Dammit! I had the VCR cued up and everything!