
I had never heard of them before this. Looking at that menu, and surmising the type of customer service I'd receive based on that and their locations (e.g., Eugene), I am afraid that, if I went there, my visit would end with me leaving in a squad car.

I cannot upvote this enough. I went into a sandwich shop that called everything "sammiches" or, if you wanted a smaller one, the even more cringe-inducing "sammie.". I ordered a small sandwich and the dipshit at the counter goes, "you mean a sammie?" I had already had a bad day and said, "I'm a grown fucking man. I

I still call it Home Box Office to annoy my wife and son, so I shall die on the hill with you.

I think it's probably a function of more people with whom you're familiar and more outlets which allow people to become famous. When I was a kid (in the 70s and 80s), the people who died were primarily old movie stars and politicians; now, you have TV (in all its forms and iterations), music (because we keep old

Oh.. OH! With my mother? How rude!


(pulls need glasses out of nose). There are two brothers, but only one law - the law of marriage-at play here. So there. And my mom wouldn't sleep with you anyway.

Brothers-in-law. The brothers are plural. (Pushes nerd glasses up)

"These are…your Dying Years."

Did he ever date Cynthia Gibb? Because I always get them confused.

You have to be ready at a moment's notice to jump, jump

Um, that's Eddie Money.

Agreed. It's a vastly underrated movie because it lacks special effects or some "great idea," but I'd argue that it shows how great a storyteller Spielberg can be.

Thanks. You Barak.

So, I should just say Ba'hai to all that? You're right. I deserve Mormon.

I don't know. I've heard it Sukkos.

I'm listening. You've got Meir. Seriously, I'm Dayan here.

Are you Surah? Ah, that was Shiite.

Is that the Best you can do?