
Personally, if he stops acting, he's The Candidate for an early death. Or is that Too Up Close and Personal?

This is not a short term fight. It's not just two years. While the Dems were looking for a savior at the top of the ticket (Clinton, Obama, etc), the Republicans were running for school boards and State Assemblies and building a farm team for the future. That's what we need to do.

The reason they had gerrymandering on their side is because, starting in the 1980s, the Republicans focused on state races. There's a census in two years. Control a statehouse and you get to control how the lines are drawn. Control that and you control Congress. Control Congress and you control the courts.

Vote. Volunteer for campaigns. Donate if you can afford it. The model to follow is the Tea Party. You may hate what they stand for, but guess what? In 2008, they freaked out when Obama won. And by 2010 they controlled Congress.


I went "a,b,a,b" then "c," because you know they do that just to trick us.

Texas thing.

That's crooked media. Corrupt dishonest too many syllables for DJT.

They're all about "The Wild, the Innocent and the E Street Shuffle." Somehow, "Wild Billy's Circus Story" seems oddly appropriate.

Upvote for John Eddie.

At least this point, Trump would settle for Southside Johnny. Maybe Cats on a Smooth Surface.

Actually, he said she reminded him of Trollope. @avclub-f9e1b74986ef91100415c120c46fcd3c:disqus was upset because he felt Thackeray was more appropriate.

The man was in pain, expressing his concern about his girl's unwillingness to commit and spend a night with just him. and you mock him? This is why men are unwilling to seek counseling because people like @sgtexposition:disqus think it's funny!

As a Yankee fan, "19-86" just doesn't flow. We discussed it at the meeting.

I'm no Biblical scholar but, in the last 8 World Series in a presidential election year that went to game 7, when the AL won, the GOP did and when the NL won, the Democrats did. If that is not ironclad causation, I don't know what is

Peter Robbins, the original voice of Charlie Brown, went to prison for stalking. When it happened, I saw it on the TV in the elevator at work. My comment "you're a stalker, Charlie Brown." The guy next to me says, "geez, and he had access to all that psych care for a nickel…"

No one ever tells me when the shadow cabal meetings are. Then, when I hear after, everyone always says, "oh I thought Dave told you," which is totally bullshit. So I guess what I'm saying is screw you, shadow cabal members. See if I save you a seat at services.

Just because you're paranoid doesn't mean they're not out to get you.

Naipaul? Sure, if you want to go with someone obvious…

Nope, he's going to be on "Trump TV," the web channel that'll be launched on Nov. 9 and run by Roger Ailes.