
I think once Philip Roth releases his album of standards, you'll see the Nobel Committee change its mind.

Gabriela Mistral or GTFO…although Bjørnstjerne Bjørnson was fetching in a quirky sort of way,

Lima let you finish, @oglethorpe_nb:disqus.

Clearly, you've never been to Queens. You'd have Joey Street, Joey Avenue, Joey Road and Joey Drive.

No worries. It's been a long week for me too.

I meant commenters.

Ginsberg. This has Ginsberg written all over it. With Roger on the organ.

Is no one going to point out that he also wrote "McDonald's is Your Kind of Place," thereby giving a generation of seven year olds the ability to sing "they shove hamburgers in your face" and "french fries up your nose"? I mean, I liked Bowie and Prince, but that is art…

I'd argue that it's high school, which I think it what Lorne Michaels said. Either way, the concept's right.

Damn, you beat me to being survived by an evil twin. I shall have my revenge (turns to camera and laughs maniacally).

If you're from the NYC area, you "have a catch." "Play catch" sounds weird to me.

It's a turtleneck. It's the very special "Nick gave her a hickey" episode.

"Khalid Sheikh Muhammad may have knocked down the Towers…and we're knocking down prices!"

Putting the MEH in memorial.

I guess I'm off to IITR to learn to drive the big rigs.

Ouch. That's cold. Although the wife said, "yeah, I could see that."

One of the teachers in my junior high was the father of Audrey and Judy Landers. Those are probably our most famous alums. Well, them and 80s ensemble drama queen (and Mrs. John Tesh), Connie Sellecca.

Agreed. I think he's like Frank Capra. He made movies that a lot of people love that have stood the test of time. Did they break new ground in cinematography? No. Did they explore deep dark themes? Not that either. Were they gritty and realistic? Nope. But you know what? They were incredibly well made.

@disqus_jeTusCb3OY:disqus I respectfully disagree and actually am curious to watch it now. I think focusing on the woman's experience as a first is something that's been done before. I think focusing on a guy who, in the midst of all this tumult on campus, is going for the traditional Skull and Bones Yale experience