
Listen to the Gilbert Gottfried Podcast with Dick De Bartolo and Al Jaffee for an exegesis of "Potrzebie."

My friend's grandmother, who lived in the boonies, apparently bought a copy. That's the only way I knew it existed. Unlike the hovercraft that my parents refused to let me buy,

Who can forget the searing exploration of cults, when Rerun joined the Baba Rhum Baba People. All hail Ralph!

Look at Snickers bar label. 7% of your daily zinc requirements. That's why I eat 14 a day with a few pennies thrown in. No one is catching me under-zinced!

Not to be pedantic, but Gooden wasn't on the Yankees 1996 post-season roster and didn't pitch in 2000. Straw was a decent bench player on the Yankees but the fact is both were there because of Steinbrenner's Ahab-like fascination with the 1986 Mets.(see also Kevin Elster, Jesse Orosco, Bob Ojeda (I'll leave off Cone

Under the 1994 crime bill, you weren't allowed to Carrie Ann Inaba. That's why you didn't see her between "In Living Color" and "Dancing With the Stars."

Go to Gerritsen Beach. That is where rudeness has been distilled to its essence.

I hated him but if Rudy was still in charge, we would NOT have lost the title.

Ann Arbor does have a large contingent of New Yorkers (I was one of them). Perhaps we fell to third because we have been exporting them.

Constipated Watson

I think what's she saying is you're dangerous and incredibly attractive to 11 year old boys. Also, that you're sold by 8th graders.

I'm going for his flapper period myself

No love for 71077345?

I musta learned to play the piano…

I thought so too. I guess there's a place for non-gourmet ice cream, people in boaters and suspenders and a giant bell after all.

I knew someone who worked at the one in Paramus Park in NJ. He still has PTSD from the birthday bell.


I was going to say Farrell's but apparently there are seven left

Damn! I had forgotten about Wuvs, and "Jack Penrod, president of Wuvs." I can't remember what I did yesterday but commercials featuring officers of defunct restaurants…

There is only the Papaya King. Gray's, and the other papaya dog chains, are merely pretenders to the Papaya throne.