
Zune. Starring Kyle McLachlan.

Damn. You beat me to it.

What would the hipster creed be?

But Detroit is Rock CITY. Hah! You know what that means? Seriously, do you? I have no idea.

Agreed. Don't really see it,


It's Darren Star. No one ever watched "Melrose Place" or "Sex and the City" and said "Wow, that was powerful" or "Wow, I didn't see that coming." He knows his formula and works it over and over.

He also left out stories about dour Canadian spinsters/wives by Alice Munro..I know she won the Nobel Prize but I once had a discussion with a guy on the 4 train who was complaining to his friend that all the New Yorker stories were excessively focused on sex. I pointed out Alice Munro, and he said, "OK fine, it's

Quit carping about it!

Edison Wax Cylinder.

"Last time He died for your sins. This time you do."

I'm getting a Midrash just thinking about it.

That pun was awful. You're guilty of Regiside.

FWIW, most people age out of it. The older you get, the more you (should) realize that life throws curve balls and that you don't know how or why that person in front of you has trouble getting a job.

As I said below, I have a political science degree. I like keeping my glass house unbroken. Unfortunately, unlike your friend, I made an economically injudicious choice of parents.

That's fair to a point. However, I do think colleges have a duty to disclose how many grads have jobs in the field, median wage, etc, so that people choosing those majors know what they're getting into. If, after seeing the data, you make the choice, at least it's an informed one.

You couldn't do worse than Batman v Superman

I got a Poli Sci degree in 1990. There weren't a whole of jobs calling for it then either. My first job was as an editorial assistant at a publisher (a/k/a "secretary"). Should I have "had to work there?" I would've liked a job in my field, but that wasn't meant to be. There are only so many jobs in Poli Sci and

YOU are the specialest. The other Classics majors, not so much.

Since Joan Rivers' death, Trump is the anti-Elvis.