
You're right. Scrawler's wrong. That sandwich looks good. Of course, I'd have to cook it. And it's slow cooked beef, which takes too long. Damn Rachel Ray.

I wanted to put a trough in my son's bathroom, but the wife has her highfalutin' ideas about decorating..

A trough, fancy lad? Michigan Stadium used to have a wall with water running down it and drains in the floor. And we were happy! Our shoes smelled like piss, but we were happy!

Like I said, it's supposition on my part with respect to MASH. My point was that I think the benign view of Hawkeye and Trapper is not, and even then may not have been, the only view. Do you think people on base, especially overseas in the 1970s, might have a different view of the movie than unconnected civilians?

I think people were always offended by things. There were blacks complaining about Stepin Fetchit, et al in the 30s and 40s. If you look at the black press then or feminist literature in the 60s and 70s, there were complaints. It was just that the power structure would neither listen to nor address their

I'm not sure that your view is 100% correct. My guess (and it's just that) is that there were a whole lot of women who, when the movie first came out, found it extremely misogynistic.

I do like the part where the whole city of Flint has a montage of trying on hats.

It was based on the Barbizon Hotel at 63rd and Lex in New York. It was sex-segregated until 1981, which is right around when "Bosom Buddies" came on the air. You'd see stories about it on the local news.

Big opera town (Glimmerglass) in the summer.

That was bad. Barry bad. You're Robin this site of the quality it usually has.

That's the cost of livin' in the USA. Although, he'd be much better of someone would get him a cheeseburger.

By that point, he had totally sold out. Nixon at L'Amour in 1985. Triple bill with Anthrax and Helloween. THAT was a show.

Ah, women…who understands 'em?

That's how you know you're a moron. He's not saying we should do something about ALL morons, just those of the booger-eating variety. Can't we at least agree that we need to do something about them?

When I was in HS in the mid-80s, my friend had one of those. It was great. Open cab. No seatbelts (not even laps). Do donuts in the parking lot. You young 'uns don'r know what you're missing.

Scott Baio is the Scott tissue of Scotts.

That's just the kind of thing someone in the Illuminati would say…anyway, can I get a ride on the hydrofoil?

All male production of Genet's The Maids. The kids love themselves some Genet,

It's actually Sam-PAY fee.

Glad to be of service.