EvaLostHerKey...AND her way

Didn’t see my body, but did see the bright light.

I was clinically D-E-A-D for a few minutes after complications during childbirth. I was... aware? To an extent. I don’t know how to explain it. It felt like a dream but very lucid and verrrrry sad. Because I knew it was over and I was sad I wouldn’t get to see my baby or watch him grow up. I was very sad and at

Thanks for your perspective. I didn’t mean to sound resentful, but I am scared. Constantly. For her, for my nieces, for my kids, and my parents. He’s such a “pleasant” guy at times that sometimes I feel as if I’m the crazy one, living a surreal existence.

My sister’s therapist told her she was putting her entire family in danger by staying with her abusive husband. My sister said, “No, he’s a coward. He only hits me.” and her therapist countered with, “The ones to fear are the cowards... they’re the ones who kill because they feel they have something to prove.”

What? No....

Join the club.

I have no friends. Zilch. Zip. Nada. I know people from work and we chit chat and talk about this, that, and the other, but never get like, super personal. I’m fine with that. I hardly have any time to myself as it is, what with work, kids, the husband, and other family (parents, bro, sis). I can’t even imagine

Yes. Yes, she is.

Negative. My eldest is perfect. Not sure how, seeing’s how I’m his mother, but he’s the sunshine in my world and his daddy’s. Now, my second one.... you can have at him. He’s only ten. FML......

My husband and I got bombed in NOLA a couple of years ago. We decided to call it a night and were walking back to our hotel when he realized he lost his wallet. He tells me to “Wait right here,” and goes back into the bar we just left. I leaned against the wall feeling very ill and two older ladies (white hair,

OMG, thissss! So I’m at a family birthday party when my drunk uncle plants a sloppy, wet kiss right on my mouth while pinching me on the ass. I push him away and he stumbles and falls . His daughters and sons-in-laws yelp at me because their pervy patriarch is sprawled on the ground. Everyone in that circle still

We used to dress of our off-brand “Barbies” in Grandma’s doilies. And mom would get pissed because we ruined some. Looking back now I wish we hadn’t done that... Grandma’s doilies were precious and I wish I still had some.

I love your username.

Never heard this before, but ha!

Dude, and it comes from both sides.... work and school moms. At work, you’re not as committed and serious about your job if you ever miss for a doctor’s appointment or during the day school function and at the school, other mom’s and some teachers, too, unfortunately, judge you for not being there more or

6th grade science project and I couldn’t ask my parents for a tri-fold poster board because money... so I found a cardboard box behind a grocery store, and cut it to look like the tri-fold, but of course it wasn’t the same and smelled sickly sweet, like garbage... and my face just burned with embarrassment about it

You are awesome. I had a teacher like you in 3rd grade. Her name was Mrs. Krueckemeyer. I thought she was an angel.

That’s rass-ist.

Ugh. So tacky.

Ok, I know this is totally random... but it’s bothering me. I just watched the trailer for Live by Night and.... did 17 yr old Elle Fanning actually play 40 something year old Ben Affleck’s love interest??? Just w0ndering.