EvaLostHerKey...AND her way

Who can say?

Yep, it can happen to anyone, regardless of gender, you’re right. What happened to you guys is definitely indicative of that. Glad you guys came out of it ok... people can be unreasonably crazy.

I bet quite a few, unfortunately.

Truth. My sister and I once made one. And like the little teen idiots that we were, smeared it with our blood to make it real. So no surprise when the planchette we were using, a ring a cousin who’d passed away had given me for my birthday, heated up beneath our fingers and vibrated on its own. Maybe it was just

Noooooo!!! Really? Fuckkkk....

Bahaha bahahaha!!! “Because you classy” = best.

Dude... the word demon or devil alone, still gives me the creepiest, goosebumpy chills!!!

I always thought the same as you, that I would just freak... but seriously, after a while you kind of get used to it? Not used to it, but like... tolerant or able to bear/handle it. Anyway, something like that. Believe me, we’ve had our fair share of frrrreeeeaky shit go down.

Wow.... good call not saying anything to him, though cause you’re right.... who know what he might have been capable of and at the end of the day, losing your life is not worth it.

Better Midler never seems to age.

*all smiles...


Awww... poor Wade Philips! I loved him when he was our Defensive Coordinator for the Texans. I hope he’s ok.

Yep, idiot fuckers. Don’t they have lives to lead, places to go? Better things to do than follow strangers who accidentally “slighted” them in the hopes of scaring the ever living shit out of ‘em? I mean, what if I was as crazy as them and carried a gun or something? I mean, I do live in Texas, that wouldn’t be

Yeah, crazy fucks. Smh

Ha ha! That’s touching! Your grandma sounds cool. I loved mine, even the mean one, but they were both like... very religious and were very no-no about watching scary movies and reading scary novels. They hard-core believed you were inviting evil into your life by doing so.

Samesies. Besides being a slow-assed runner, I am super picky about food and am sure would fucking just starve to death...

Oh, God! That’s fucked. I had an older cousin who watched The Exorcist once when I spent the night and I cowered under the covers, crying silently, hands over my ears, sure I was going to be possessed and just freakin’ terrified. To date I have not watched that movie. Every time my 17 yr old suggests watching it I

nope nope nope nope!!!!

Had forgotten about Candyman! *shrieks