He did the right thing.
He did the right thing.
I agree with most of your comment, but not with the idea that they voted for Romney as a rebuke to Trump. Romney is a favorite son of the Mormon community and a past presidential nominee. He likely would have elected there no matter who was in office.
Utah’s arguably the most conservative state in America but it’s also state won by Trump with the lowest percentage of the vote.
Yes yes thank you. I really don’t understand the point of articles like this. We know Mitt Romney is a conservative Republican who literally is everything the opposite of a socially progressive liberal. Of course he votes and voted for garbage legislation and has garbage ideas (we know! he ran for president already!).
The other thing Romney’s vote does is to give the impeachment added historical weight as the only instance of a senator voting to convict a president of his own party during an impeachment vote. Trump is forever stained.
The vote today was legitimately the best plausible outcome we could have hoped for going in. Romney’s clearly looked at the Republican caucus, then looked at his own approval numbers in Utah, then looked back at the president and the caucus and said, “You know what, I don’t need any of you. Watch this. And then try to…
Do I like Mitt, or agree with most of his positions? No.
I’m not inclined to praise Romney, but I’d rather focus on the craven idiocy of people like Susan Collins, who graced us with the laughable horseshit that she felt comfortable voting to acquit Trump because she felt he had learned his lesson, as if he hadn’t spent the entire preceding 4+ months claiming the call was…
Because the wave of positivity around Jameela is wearing off and people are trying to throw her under the bus for any little thing, it seems to me. Same sorta things happening with Lizzo rn too, imo. I do think it would be good if they hired more people that are involved with this personally, like Trace, but obviously…
I think it’s just because she sounds posh in the good place.
Reading this site is like watching a snake eat it’s tail.
Media keeps focusing on her, so she has to keep redirecting to the person creating and MC’ing the show. Media is confused why she keeps redirecting.
Jameela Jamil didn’t get the point of Trace Lysette’s post which is that Jamil didn’t have any connection with the ball world but got the job anyway.
But once that was cleared up, the drama still continued. The tone of the piece certainly isn’t very sympathetic to Jameel, for an error that’s most certainly not hers. And why didn’t the House Mother who auditioned for the show tweet at any of the other two non-Voguers hired for the show?
Because this site hates her for some unknown reason. God knows they’ve given other women of color a pass for far more problematic things.
Do you not remember the Senate map in 2018? We lost a few races we might have won, but the possibility of taking the Senate back in 2018 was always a pipe dream. Of the 33 seats that were up, the Republicans only had to defend 9 seats compared to the 22 Democrats had up. Add in the fact that only one of those…
To be fair, we had extremely high turnout in 2018, but they did too, and the Senate map was challenging - the seats up were likely to go red for various reasons. However, we are in this mess because of decades of not turning out.
I wish I could star you a thousand times for the Aunt Pitty-Pat gif!!
Amazing how something as basic and fundamental to the law like allowing witnesses to testify at a trial is now fully politicized and a double standard. The WH and the GOP deny all evidence and witnesses, but the Dems supposedly presented a bad case full of evidence and witnesses. Amazing how something as basic and…