
Angelina Jolie didn’t just give an Oscar-nominated performance. It also won one.

Small correction: Jolie wasn’t just Oscar nominated for her performance; she won.

So you could say it’s box office take has been neutered?

Was on a Disney World trip with my young girls recently and noticed that the princesses made it very clear where and how the adult men were to touch them for photos. It wasn’t something I would have thought about before this trip but I can only how many times some disgusting asshole has tried to cop a feel on Snow

I once thought I would do this for some lady neighbors I was inviting over for a holiday gathering.  I had a recipe for ginger cut out cookies.  Unfortunately, I had a horrible time rolling out the dough.  It was way too warm and sticky.  I didn’t have the time to fuss with it, so I made a bunch of round cookies to

I’ve never participated and was only vaguely aware cookie decorating parties were a thing.

You didn’t let people.take home a plate.of cookies? Yes that is a scam and akin to asking guests to clean your house. Did no one suggest you not keep all the cookies?

A friend of mine was trying to find a new job during the holidays. Her organization underpaid and overworked staff. No raises in years. A very passive aggressive environment where higher ups would talk out both sides of their mouths and thus never committing to anything. Everyone was unhappy.

That’s not how a cookie party works!!!!!!! People show up, decorate, and take cookies home on a plate (even if that means smudging the crap out of them on the way home). 

I used to do this as a kid, and I'd place frosting like an inch thick on the cookies I did because it was unseemly to just inject the frosting directly into my mouth.

She has the self awareness of a garden slug. 

I disagree. She has two things to say: LOOOOK AAAAT MEEEEEE! GIIIIIVE MEEEE MONNEEEYYY!

And I can guarantee you that the conservatives you’re talking about will vote for trump, no matter what, regardless of their policy positions; that the democratic nominee, whoever they turn out to be, whatever they stand for, will be savaged as “socialist” with equal ferocity no matter what their policy positions are,

Meghan McCain criticizing someone because she thinks they didn’t “earn” something is...something.

You’re giving her way too much credit.

Meghan McCain was already in the holiday spirit this week, lamenting the PC war on Christmas . . .

Calling climate change the lefts’ “religion” is all the proof anyone needs that McCain is only good for lolz.

As “Fox News Blondes” are still in the cancellation competition and Megs is most assuredly of them and will return to the fold once The View is done with her I still consider her to be up for cancellation for good.

I shudder to think that, in the unlikely event Sanders wins the nomination, Republicans would use this against him like they did Clinton’s heat exhaustion moment. But it also makes me confront the fact that, though Bernie is not my first choice, I’d be rather saddened were his health to take a serious wrong turn. I