
Yes, ^this.^ We pay about $300/mo for a family plan, which is a pittance compared to most people. If our taxes went up but that $300/mo went back into our pockets that’s a win.

It’s not “curious” that Warren won’t say middle class taxes will be raised, because middle class expenses will go down significantly (no out-of-pocket medical expenses). Yet the minute she says taxes will be raised, even within the context of the point, the GOP will pounce on the line and use it in every attack ad

Yes, agree. And she doesn’t do the thing that some others on stage are doing where they are clearly holding on to sound bites and spit them out whenever they’re given the chance to speak, regardless of whether it answers the question or not. And she also is calm and will not be flustered or rattled. She is a very good

Warren is really good at rejecting the premise of bullshit questions without being dismissive. She’s got a talent for taking said bullshit questions and reframing them in a way that lets her say something of substance about an issue that matters. I really like that about her.

Agree on the first part, but remember when Hilary was asked to say something nice about him (groaaaaannn) and she said his kids had been raised well? That was hilarious.

I love that she is not taking the bait. When he congratulated her for doing her job (eyeroll) and she said “...thank you...”, that was excellent. HRC took way too much bait and engaged with way too much bullshit in every debate and I’m not here for that in 2020.

This exchange was probably her strongest moment of the night. Like, she wasn’t even really disagreeing with him, and somehow he felt wounded and like she owed him something, and started talking all out of neck and shit, and her face is all like “Bitch, I cant hear you; I’m standing right next to you.” and she’s just

Weird flex to direct the attention away from your health, but, whatever.

My first thought when he said that was Cardi B., because I clearly read too much Jezebel.

It was very professional, she said please when she should have just said fuck off.

Her “apology” is the most smarmy, passive aggressive shit I’ve seen this year and it’s 2019 I’ve seen a LOT of passive aggressive shit ok??!!

I was raised on PBS: Sesame Street, Bill Nye, Mr. Rogers, Carmen Sandiego. And, no exaggeration, I think it shaped who I am as a person in really positive ways.

Oh, I hadn’t realized that. I have a teenager now so Sesame Street is not in our lineup anymore. 

Damn, that’s rough. I’m sorry. As I was reading your comment, I was thinking she kept her addiction a secret because of the shame and stigma, or to protect you guys or something like that - I can only imagine the gut-punch it was to find out she was manipulating you and everyone else to further her addiction. Though I

My dad is a high-functioning and highly manipulative alcoholic, and I didn’t figure it out until I was well into adulthood. It recasts my entire childhood.

The Sesame Workshop has a kit for children with parents who are incarcerated. Its available on the website. 

Does anyone know if there are any characters that have parents in prison? I remember reading an article about “inappropriate” children’s books (some of which were in fact WILDLY inappropriate) but people were dragging a book about the night “daddy went to prison” which, at least to me, seemed like it could be a very

HBO gets new Sesame Street content exclusively for the first 6 months it’s out, then it’s given to PBS for wider distribution. So in the end everything is out and free to the public. It’s a decent compromise that makes the show sustainable.

It’s still on PBS. 

It still airs on PBS, there's just a nine month lag in the new episodes so the rich kids get the new episodes way before the lowly poor kids.